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Re: [txeqli] Re: Structure Words

on 4/24/02 7:16 PM, And Rosta at a-rosta@hidden.email wrote:

> I'm saying two things. Firstly, that 3-way division is spurious;
> it does not reflect any underlying reality of the language.
> Secondly, the form--function restrictions have adverse effects,
> in that common predicates can't receive really short forms,
> while very obscure structure words do receive very short forms.
> What I think is better is something like the way, say, that
> English question words begin with wh-. Not all words beginning
> wh- are question words, but it helps maintain a certain overall
> orderliness that a form-function pattern unites the question
> words.

So maybe a more piecemeal approach.   Like all the-ish words are tV(V) in
shape.  Like the lV(V) words in Loglan.  And would you let numbers migrate
around?  Like.   Go ten du hon.   I have two books.   Go ten du to hon.  I
have two of the books.  To du hon sur stol.  The two books are on the table.
In short, can a number then function as both a quantifier and an argument?
> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
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