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Rex: > >> on 4/21/02 11:04 AM, And Rosta at a-rosta@hidden.email wrote: > >>> I'd say that associating part of speech with a particular CV pattern > >>> is too restrictive. For the very short and high frequency words, there > >>> need be no patterning of form and function at all, as these are basic > >>> words to be learnt right at the outset. For longer and lower frequency > >>> words, some patterning of form and function could be useful, but it > >>> could involve particular Cs and particular Vs, rather than tying up > >>> whole CV templates. > >> > I like this notion, I think. You're meaning like a set of question words > like Loglan ha, hu, ho, etc.? Do any other categories spring to mind? Not really, because I don't have much sense of what the Ceqli function words will be. But I like the idea of extending the form-meaning patterning across the whole vocabulary, or - which would probably work better - of forming most nouns and verbs from a combination of a semantically-meaningful classifier element, plus a distinguisher element. --And.