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Re: [txeqli] Re: Eek no.- Baseline?

On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 12:08:04PM -0600, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> To elaborate a little on that, I think part of the problem may be the basic
> pronunciation of 'e'.   As an Anglophone, I contrast e and ej all the time
> in ben and bane, pen and pain.  And the same is done in Russian, and, I
> think, spanish and japanese.  So the best thing, I think,  is to think of e
> as the sound in bet, get, bed - an english/russian 'e'.  Then ea, eo, and eu
> will be EH-ah, EH-oh, Eh-oo, with or without glottal stops, and eya, eyo,
> and eyu will be EH-yah, EH-yoh, EH-yoo.
> If we have to choose, tho, I'd rather have ea, eo, eu available for pinvor
> and prohibit eya, eyo, eyu.

"eu" I can deal with. It's pronouncable as a diphthong, so it could be
the fifth in the set with ai, ei, oi, au. I don't know why I wasn't
really considering it.

"eo" takes a bit of effort to pronounce distinctly from "eu" or "ea".
I'll mention once again that Lojban introduced the apostrophe just
because all the little-words in Loglan sounded too similar to each

With "ea", when I attempt to pronounce it smoothly it comes out sounding
like ash, and I also keep getting drawn toward "eja" like in Spanish
"sea". Maybe I'm missing something - is it supposed to sound like ash?

I suppose that if "eja" and "ejo" are allowed as alternate
pronunciations and those combinations are prohibited, it would work. But
"eo" and "ea" seems like quite a stretch just to squeeze out a few more

What about the others? Are you still considering double vowels, oe, ou,
etc? You really can't use a glottal stop between them, if you want
glottal stops to be available to set apart names or words that begin
with a non-consonant.
Rob Speer