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--- In txeqli@y..., Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> wrote: > Actually, -I- don't want to do this. I think the thing > about Ceqli is that some words are nouns and some are > adjective/verb/prepositions. There is no non-noun meaning > for kan, pe, xo, zo, xi, cer, cam, etc. Likewise, non-nouns > can only become nouns by being converted somehow. Bon can't > be a noun, but it can become bonka, goodness, bonpe, > goodperson, bonxo another kind of goodness, bonvo, etc. > In this, Ceqli is more like Mandarin, except that we flat > out -can't- do things like 'man the torpedoes'. A noun can > become a verb by some sort of ending, maybe, but it can't be > a verb without that. I think that is a workable approach. The biggest drawbacks I see are: 1) Every word must be assigned an unambiguous part of speech, and 2) Cegli users must memorize the part of speech for every word. (unless it were indicated by morphology, which I don't think is your intention). I would have to know that pomo is "to assist", and not "assistance", and that varm is "warmth" and not "to warm". Kevin