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[txeqli] Questions about questions

Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> on 4/1/02 12:23 PM, Mike Wright at darwin@hidden.email wrote:
> > But I just realized that "kyu" is a *sentence-initial* question
> > particle. That's interesting. Are there any other languages that have this?
> Esperanto and Loglan, and I think Polish.  Well, French does in effect with
> Est-ce que.
> I want kyu to be a tad more moveable than that, thus.
> Kuy zi ten hon.   do you have a book.

Not, "Is it you that has a book?"? Like:

Kyu zi ten to hon, kyu da? Is it you that has the book, or is it her?

> Zi ten hon, kyu?  You have a book, do you?
> Zi ten kyu hon?   Is it a book that you have?

And maybe:

Zi kyu ten hon, kyu bu ten? Is it that you *have* a book, or don't you?

I'm assuming that "kyu" makes the following word the focus of a
question, except, obviously, when it's at the end of the sentence.

Does Ceqli also use Mandarin-style choice-type questions?

Mike Wright
"The difference between theory and practice is that, in
 theory, there is no difference between theory and practice;
 in practice, however, there is." -- Anonymous