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Re: [txeqli] Correlatives

Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> on 3/11/02 2:21 PM, Mike Wright at darwin@hidden.email wrote:
> > BTW, can we add the following (the categories, not necessarily the
> > particular sounds) as standard "series"?
> >
> > tor - manner, way
> > faq - direction
> > taym - point in time
> Yes, except I see that we have both tor for manner and sor for kind.  Need
> to change one or the other

How about Hokkien <khoan2> as "kwan" to replace "sor"?

Or, Japanese "sama" to replace "tor"? Not a single syllable, but not
too clunky.

> Could be zam, or vrem from Russian.  Maybe kron from greek.  Definitely we
> need the three terms for time.

I prefer "zam" (even prefer it to "zman", mentioned elsewhere). A
"difficult" consonant cluster following vowels in common terms might
lead to many speakers attaching the first consonant to the preceding syllable:

<cizman> -> /'tSiz man/ vs. the correct /'tSi zman/
<kwavrem> -> /'kwav rem/ vs. the correct /'kwa vrem/

Even though we know in our hearts that it's wrong, it could muddle the
morpheme structure. This kind of thing happens all the time, even for
native speakers of natural languages and relatively "easy" sound
combos, like the English "a napron" -> "an apron", "a norange" -> "an
orange", and "a nadder" -> "an adder".

Mike Wright
"China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."  
-- Charles de Gaulle