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Re: [txeqli] Correlatives

on 3/11/02 10:51 PM, Mike Wright at darwin@hidden.email wrote:

> Rex May - Baloo wrote:
>> on 3/11/02 2:21 PM, Mike Wright at darwin@hidden.email wrote:
> [...]
>>> BTW, can we add the following (the categories, not necessarily the
>>> particular sounds) as standard "series"?
>>> tor - manner, way
>>> faq - direction
>>> taym - point in time
>> Yes, except I see that we have both tor for manner and sor for kind.  Need
>> to change one or the other
> How about Hokkien <khoan2> as "kwan" to replace "sor"?
> Or, Japanese "sama" to replace "tor"? Not a single syllable, but not
> too clunky.

I like 'sama'.  Zi kwasama kar da.  How did you do it?  Or
Zi kwasamasa kar da.

> [...]
>> Could be zam, or vrem from Russian.  Maybe kron from greek.  Definitely we
>> need the three terms for time.
> I prefer "zam" (even prefer it to "zman", mentioned elsewhere). A
> "difficult" consonant cluster following vowels in common terms might
> lead to many speakers attaching the first consonant to the preceding syllable:
> <cizman> -> /'tSiz man/ vs. the correct /'tSi zman/
> <kwavrem> -> /'kwav rem/ vs. the correct /'kwa vrem/
> Even though we know in our hearts that it's wrong, it could muddle the
> morpheme structure. This kind of thing happens all the time, even for
> native speakers of natural languages and relatively "easy" sound
> combos, like the English "a napron" -> "an apron", "a norange" -> "an
> orange", and "a nadder" -> "an adder".

Quite right here.  How about the 'pun'?  I'd go for either that or zam.
Probably zam because there's more likely to be another 'pun' borrowing with
a handy meaning.

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
> Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm
> Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm
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