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Re: [txeqli] modifiers and heads

  Japanese uses:
"ka-no-jo" (da-sa-xi) to mean "she" (informal) or "one's sweetheart";
"a-no-onna-no-hito" (cuvo-sa-xi-sa-pe) for the more formal term referring to female adults
"a-no-onna-no-ko" referring to female children. 
"a-no-otoko-no-hito" (cuvo-sa-zo-sa-pe) referring to male adults
"a-no-otoko-no-ko" (cuvo-sa-zo-sa-pipe ) for male children. 
"a-no-hito" (cuvo-sa-pe) for a human (adult is understood)
"a-no-ko" (cuvo-sa-pipe) for a chid or children.   
Forgetting about indicating whether adult or child and whether human or (other) animal we can see that DA + XI and DA+ZO is all that is necessary to indicate that it is a male or female that we are referring to that male or female in the third person.  But we could also say "FEMALE IN ROOM "  instead of "SHE IN ROOM".  We only need "DA" if we don't need to specify gender, but in that case we could also say "ENTITY IN ROOM" without specifying whether the entity is he, she or it.  Perhaps DA means "entity" in its noun form and means "he, she or it" in its pronoun form.  Do we need to specify whether the entity is a living being, or a conscious but non-living entity, or an inanimate and non-conscious object, wave or particle?  If  DA means entity then, MI, ZI, ZO and XI would seem to be types of DA!  But if DA excludes GO and ZI then DA cannot be translated as ENTITY (as GO and ZI are undoubtedly "ZE ENTITY", are we not?).  So if the pronouns cannot merely be translated as "ZE ENTITY" then maybe "XI' and "ZO" cannot be used as pronouns without adding each of them to one of the pronouns: GO, ZI, DA, GOZO, GOXI, ZIZO, ZIXI, DAZO, DAXI, GOZIZO, GOZIXI, GODAZO, GODAXI,  ZIDAZO, ZIDAXI, ZIZODAZO, ZIZODAXI, ZIXIDAZO, ZIXIDAXI, ZEZI, ZEDA, ZEZIZO, ZEZIXI, ZEDAZO, ZEDAXI, ZIZO, GOZEZIZO, GOZEDAZO, GOZEDAXI,  ZEZIDAZO, ZIZEDAZO, ZIZEDAXO, ZEZIDAXI, ZEZIZODAZO, ZEZIXIZODAZO, ZIZOZEDAXI, ZEZIZOZEDAXI, GOZEZIXIZEDAZO........