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Re: [txeqli] Re: !@#$ "C" again

Rob Speer wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 09:47:51PM -0800, Mike Wright wrote:
> > <y> /O/ kly = Eng. <claw>
> I would find that extremely difficult to distinguish from 'o'.
> I'm assuming that the Txeqli 'o' is not rounded into 'ou' as the English
> 'o' is.

/o/ and /O/ coexist in Hokkien, and they sound very different to me
([o] and [O], no off-glide on the [o]).

> I would also suggest that Txeqli's generally nice morphology should not
> be messed up with digraphs, or with single letters representing
> clusters.

Do you consider affricates as clusters? (Not sure how this affects the
morphology, in any case.)

Mike Wright
"When they wired us humans up, they really should have
 labeled the wires--don't you think?" -- Ed