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Rob >> digraphs, or with single letters
clusters. Ray >> I take it you mean that a single sound like [S] [Z] and
[N] shouln't be represented by a digraph like "zh" and that clusters like [tS]
and [dZ] and [ts] and [dz] shouldn't be represented by single letters. But
what of the argument that [tS] and [dZ] are very common sounds in most
languages and since we wouldn't use all 24 letters if these were assigned to the
single letters in the I.P.A. there would be letters of the alfabet unused
in Ceqli. Would you prefer that Ceqli reduced [tS] sounds to [S]
and reduced [dZ] sounds to [Z] (and maybe reduced [N] sounds to
[n])? In that case would the the alfabet be:
a, b, c =[S] or x =[S] or c =[k], e, f, g, h =[h] or x
=[h](to allow for digraphs using letter "h" when describing the sounds of other
languages like Chinese- ch,sh,zh as opposed to q,x,j), i, j =[Z], k =[k] or
absent if c =[k], l =[l] or absent if we only wanted one lateral as in
Japanese, m, n, o, p, q =[N] or absent, r, s, t, u, w, y, x =[S], z.
The reduced letters used for Cenli words would be:
a b c=[S] d e f g h/x=[h] i j=[Z] k l m n o p (q=[N]) r s t u
v w y z.
Ray Bergmann,
Brisbane, Australia.