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Re: [txeqli] Re: !@#$ "C" again

But if we could drop glides, we could have <y> available to produce:

<dy> /dZ/
<ty> /tS/
<sy> /S/
You can have that and keep the glides - that's what the Japanese Ministry of Education does:
ya yu yo sya syu syo - they should have adopted syi as well instead of using "si" for [Si];
tya tyu tyo - they should have adopted tyi as well for "ti" = [tSi];
sya syu syo - they should have adopted syi as well for "si" = [Si]; 

But then we'd have to decide what to do with <x>.
Ray>> You'll still need a digrafigilo letter to represent as digraphs those sounds from other languages that are not represented by the ones you have for Chenli/Chenhli/Chenxli/Cheqli/Qenli/Qenhli/Qenxli/Cenhli/Cenxli/Ceqli/Txenli/Txeqli

<a> /a/
<b> /b/
<c> /tS/
<d> /d/
<e> /e/
<f> /f/
<g> /g/
<h> /h/
<i> /i/
<j> /dZ/
<k> /k/
<l> /l/
<m> /m/
<n> /n/
<o> /o/
<p> /p/
<q> /N/
<r> /r/
<s> /s/
<t> /t/
<u> /u/
<v> /v/
<w> /V/ fwq = Mand. <feng1>, "wind" - OH NO, you don't need that sound as a separate phoneme in Chenli/Chenhli/Chenxli/Cheqli/Qenli/Qenhli/Qenxli/Cenhli/Cenxli/Ceqli/Txenli/Txeqli
<x> /S/
<y> /O/ kly = Eng. <claw> - OH NO, you don't need that sound as a separate phoneme in Chenli/Chenhli/Chenxli/Cheqli/Qenli/Qenhli/Qenxli/Cenhli/Cenxli/Ceqli/Txenli/Txeqli
<z> /z/

Mike >>Look, Ma, no digraphs. 
Ray >> There were no digraphs in Ceqli with "x = [S] before doing away with common sounds like "w" and "y"!