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on 2/27/02 5:52 PM, guildyank at lsulky@hidden.email wrote: > --- In txeqli@y..., Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> wrote: >> I'm beginning to wish the C controversy had never come up. Well, > I've >> learned a lot from it. I'm just about to revert to the 'C is for > Ceqli' >> version for the following reasons, exclusive of the problem of what > to do >> with C itself. >> >> A great many languages, including Mandarin, English, Hindustani, > German, >> Russian, Japanese, have /tS/ and /S/ as separate phonemes. None of > these >> languages have /dZ/ and /Z/ as separate phonemes. The only > languages I can >> dig up that do are Esperanto and (just barely) English. So the > symmetry of >> tx, x, dj, j is maybe more graphic than real. For one thing, I was >> considering the minimal pairs ji and dji, and I didn't want to use > them at >> all. didn't sound different enough. But tx and x seem just fine. > Is it >> just me, or is that a language universal, pretty much? > > It's just you. ;) 'dji' and 'ji' sound plenty different enough to me. > > Either assign separate glyphs to all of 'dj', 'j', 'tx', and 'x', or > only to 'j' and 'x'. Sort of. In the Ceqli version, /tS/ and /dJ/ have glyphs, but /Z/ doesn't exist. > Similarly, assign separate glyphs to all > of 'dz', 'z', 'ts', and 's', or only to 'z' and 's'. Balancing > symmetry with the arguments you've made recently leads us, IMO, to > separate glyphs for 'dj', 'j', 'tx', 'x', 'z' and 's', and > dropping 'dz' and 'ts'. No problem dropping dz, but I want ts for loan words from German ? unless everybody thinks Zahn can be borrowed as zan ? a visual borrowing rather than an auditory one. > > Also, I strongly recommend sticking to an unaccented, undigraphed > glyph set. Agree here. When and if there's a great leap in computer technology, the alphabet -might- expand to include ö, ü, things like that. But definitely not now. -- >PLEASE NOTE MY NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: rmay@hidden.email > Rex F. May (Baloo) > Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp > Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm > Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm >Discuss my auxiliary language at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/txeqli/