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Re: [txeqli] Basic idea

Mike Wright wrote:

> kom karn sa kan
> eat meat GEN dog
> meat-eating dog/the dog that is eats the meat

Sorry, that should be:

 the dog that eats the meat

I originally wrote my translations with all kinds of qualifiers, and
missed that "is" when I removed them. That translation originally
looked like:

(a/the/some) meat-eating dog(s)//(a/the/some) dog(s) that is-are
eating/ate/eats (the/some) meat

The first part goes away with the use of word stress, since it becomes:

komkarn sa kan
carnivorous GEN dog
(a redundancy that would be made more interesting by changing "dog" to "parakeet")

Mike Wright
In my experience, mental health is a lot like sex--
sometimes you just have to fake it.  
 -- Dee Dee Starr