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Basic idea

Three languages impress the dickens out of me ? Esperanto, Loglan, and
Mandarin.  I want Txeqli to have the best characteristics of each.

Esperanto.  I want Tx to be able to build words in much the same way that Eo
does, from morphemes tacked together in a systematic way.

Loglan.  I want Tx to have a completely straightforward phonology, like
Loglan did before they started  messing around with it too much.  I also
want it to have the ability to be completely unambiguous grammarwise.

Mandarin.  I want Tx to have the terseness of Mandarin as well as its
extreme simplicity.

Now, we can't have both unambiguity and simplicity.  On the other hand, why
not?  Unambiguity can be _optional_!  Here's my cunning plan.

It will be quite possible to speak Tx like Mandarin or various kinds of

Kyu zi ten hon.  Question you have book.
Ten.             Have.

Now, theoretically, ten and hon could be construed as a compound in speech
or by a computer listening, at least.  So that possible ambiguity can be
eliminated by the t-word 'te,' which simply means that a noun follows and
isn't combined with anything before it.

Kyu zi ten te hon.

And, if you're afraid hon might combine with the next word in the next
sentence, you can 'parenthesize' the 'te' with 'bete', thus

Kyu ze ten te hon beten.

Actually, all the-ish t- words can be parenthesized.

To dom beto, Ta Djan beta, etc.

Another danger is the combination of the subject with the following verb:

Kan kom te karn.  Dog eat (noun) meat.

Well, we could do the parentheses thing again:

Te kan bete kom te karn.

Or, we can borrow a French trick and use the 3d person pronoun:

Kan, da kom te karn.  Dog, he eats (noun) meat.

Are there any Loglanists among us?  I'm counting on Mike to help us keep Tx
as simple as can be, and on Loglanists to make it _potentially_ complex
enough to eliminate all grammatical ambiguity when necessary.
> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
> Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm
> Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm
>Discuss my auxiliary language at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/txeqli/