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Rex May - Baloo wrote: > > on 2/26/02 9:56 AM, And Rosta at arosta@hidden.email wrote: > > > What about Javier's (did I remember the name right? I only know Rex > > and John Schilke on this list) idea, a variant of #2, of: > > > > <c> = /S/ > > <x> = /Z/ > > <tc> = /tS/ > > <dx> = /dZ/ > > <j> = /j/ > > > > The final step was for <y> = /@/, which Rex objected to because of its > > tendency to merge with /a/ in unstressed positions. Possible solutions > > to that objection would be: > > (a) confine <y> to stressed syllables, OR > > (b) make <y> = /y/, any highish front rounded vowel > > Believe me, I really wanted that schwa. But, like you say, I couldn't allow > the possibility of merger with a. And I don't think we want to confine it > like that. How about something like /V/ (as in English /bVt/ "but")? That could be used in rendering all those Mandarin morphemes like <ke>, <fen>, and <meng>. By the way, are you going to specify all the allophones of each phoneme, along with their environments, or are you going to let them fall where they may? > There is also the idea somebody had somewhere to use 'j' as the palatizer: > > Tj = /tS/ > Sj = /S/ > Dj = /dZ/ > zj = /Z/ Ah. The Dutch approach. Remember "Djakarta"? -- Mike Wright http://www.CoastalFog.net _______________________________________________________ In my experience, mental health is a lot like sex-- sometimes you just have to fake it. -- Dee Dee Starr