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Re: [txeqli] C: if not 'ch'...

> Come to think of it, why not have a contest ? Find a sound for 'c'.  
> rejected is the c as schwa, because a schwa just doesn't seem to fit into
> the Txeqli phonology, except perhaps as an unstressed version of 'a', and
> because it looks just awful.
> We don't want it to be a combination of 2 sounds, because that was part 
> the problem with it being /tS/.
> And we don't want it to be, say /T/, because then we'd need another 
> for the voiced version.
> How about a click?  Just kidding, I think.

What about the Arabic sound transcribed as 'q'? (I think an uvular stop.)  
I think this sound is interesting, but might be too 'strange' for an IAL, 
so it's only a half-hearted reccomendation.  

Alexander Browne | alexbrowne@hidden.email
Saint Paul, Minn., U.S.