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Re: English reflexive? I don't think so.

Even in that example, the verb is "to make (someone or something) the object of fear", and then you inserted "oneself" as 'someone'. It's the difference between "I saw him" and "I saw myself". 


---In Latejami@yahoogroups.com, <stefichjo@hidden.email> wrote :

Hi Stevo,
I agree, "to make afraid" is not reflexive.
A verb meaning "to make the object of fear" would be reflexive, though: "I made myself the object of fear to you."


Von: MorphemeAddict <lytlesw@hidden.email>
An: Latejami@yahoogroups.com
Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 1. April 2010, 4:52:53 Uhr
Betreff: [Latejami] English reflexive? I don't think so.


In lesson 22 there is this example and note in the grammar section:
    "Bunkopambava bavi xevi.

    I made you afraid of me.

Note in the second example that, even though the verb is reflexive, the use of "myself" instead of "me" would sound unnatural. [Or is this simply a quirk of my own dialect of English? Comments welcome.]"
I think this is not actually a reflexive verb in English, since the object of "made afraid" is "you", while "me" is an oblique argument, so using "myself" instead would be odd, at best.

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