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Lexicon revision of June 8, 2012

Rick Morneau last published an update of his Latejami dictionary on June 8, 2012. 
Here are the changes from the previous version. 


added 'assail' to definition of "zobusa". 

changed "bun" 'dangerous' to "bun" 'danger'. 

changed "cabikopa" to "caduma". 

changed "cabikopemo" to "cadumemo". 

changed 'complain' from "bontega" to "fyutega". 

changed 'complaint' from "bontegenvi" to "fyutegenvi". 

changed definition of "fufusi" from 'plow, tiller' to 'toothbrush', a new word. 'plow, tiller' becomes "fujayfusi". Changed etymology too.

new word "fucapi" for 'toothpaste'.

changed 'plow, till' from "fufusiga" to "fujayfusiga". 

changed 'plow, tiller' from "fufusi" to "fujayfusi". 

changed 'fetus' from "cibicesi" to "cicesi". 

changed 'modest' from "bonkopyu" to "boykopyu". 

changed modifier "xa" to "to" with same etymology. (Apparently fixing a typo.) 

changed modifier 'play/sport/leisure' from "dwe" to "kyu". 

changed 'radar' from "fafoxogi" to "fakixogi". 

changed 'radio wave' from "fofocugi" to "foycugi". 

corrected '(piece of) jewelry' modifier "te-" to "xa-". 

corrected etymology of "zebivi" from 'big/high polarity' to 'long/road/walk/line/string/hair'. 

removed 'exact polarity' from "dun". 

removed see-reference to "xobeso" (deleted word) from "xofomo". 

removed duplicate word "without" from definition of "tofesyu". 

modified the definitions of "bibape", "duxozevaw", "kavapa", and "kavo". 

deleted words: xobeso [P-s] - impotent, weak, powerless, ineffectual, having no power or authority. See also "xofomo". [Etym: energy/power/strong/leadership + opposite of performance attribute]; xobesoni - impotence, weakness, powerlessness. 
