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On Thu, 2015-09-10 at 23:19 -0400, MorphemeAddict lytlesw@hidden.email
I can't think of any reason for doing so.
[Latejami] wrote:
> Would there be any advantage to explicitly stating, perhaps by a
> distinctive classifier, whether an adjective (or other part of speech)
> is intersective, non-intersective, et al.?
> stevo
My snap impression is that Logan Kearsley is bothered by his failure to
shoehorn non-intersective concepts into a Montague-type logical
framework. If you're not designing a logical language, then you've got
nothing to worry about.
- References:
- intersective vs. non-intersective and other kinds of -sective adjectives
- From: MorphemeAddict <lytlesw@hidden.email>
- Re: [Latejami] intersective vs. non-intersective and other kinds of -sective adjectives
- From: Rick <rickmorn@hidden.email>
- Prev by Date: Re: [Latejami] intersective vs. non-intersective and other kinds of -sective adjectives
- Next by Date: Re: Thesaurus?
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