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1. It was not; it was meant as an open noun. Maybe "dyecanzimaw"?
. Perhaps. But it was the only way I could think of to include the disjuncts in what would otherwise have been verbal anaphors that would not have included those disjuncts (and should have).
3. The verb was meant to be "byefwa", as in "to be a member". Maybe "byefwama"?
Take 2:
Sya paw daydyepumbi se to jabawpunsenya cawme dyecanzimaw Zwesemo dyebawpumbansenya guse to sa ludyeka Gudyekanomo jawtwe Gwatyenomo jawtwe zoypoy jitwenga fwi byefwama gafyunome se Byaka syame gesoa jaku lovokoy to cime byofwi pawha syame byoha.