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Re: [Ladekwa] 'translate'

OK, I've now had more time to think about this:
'Translate' is indeed an exchange/transfer verb. Its case structure is A/P/F/2F-d. Hence, Agent translates Patient into target language Focus from source language Secondary Focus. Hence, the Secondary Focus in this case is the "from" case, and the verb once again adequately indicates the direction of transfer.
I think that this should be revised accordingly in the dictionary.

On 18/11/05, Geoff Hacker <geoff.hacker@hidden.email> wrote:
Ah, yes, I do agree with that assessment of 'translate', but I think that it also has its own problems within the Ladekwa grammar.
You see, from what I can determine from the monograph, Ladekwa only allows one secondary focus in a sentence. Whereas, your analysis there--with which, again, I happen to agree completely!--actually has two secondary foci: SourceLanguage and TargetLanguage.
Ladekwa doesn't distinguish between the "to" and "from" cases, because it assumes that the verb will always indicate the direction of transfer. But in this case it doesn't, so it looks like that aspect of the language will also need more work.
Oh well... =)

On 18/11/05, MorphemeAddict@hidden.email <MorphemeAddict@hidden.email > wrote:
In hindsight it seems obvious, but 'translate' is an exchange/transfer verb: Agent translates Patient from SourceLanguage to TargetLanguage.

Thanks to Geoff for his comments about the difficulties of treating 'translate' as an AP-s activity verb.

No thanks to me for my unhelpful remarks on the same topic.
