Hi Rick,
I see I have to memorize now sillables like
"kop", "jam", "zoy", which always lose their final consonant except when the
part-of-speech vowel is added, right?
This "is doing".
I liked that in Ladekwa I could read a morpheme
like "go" and suppose that there would be also "ko". But reading "zo", I could
guess "zom", "zol" and "zoy". How can I know that there is only "zoy"? (Btw, is
there any "zom" and "zol"?)
This is all I can say for now.
----- Original Message -----
To: Ladekwa@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 1:02
Subject: [Ladekwa] One more try at a more
pronounceable morphology
This is my final attempt. I'd appreciate your
comments. Please be frank.
I think that this is about as good
as it will get. In this new morphology, classifiers are all CVC, and
a part-of-speech suffix is always required. For example, if the
classifier is "jam" and the word is a noun, then the ending is
"jami". Modifiers are similar to the current system, except that more
consonants are available. The name of the new language is "Latejami",
where "te" is a modifier having to do with langauge/speech, and "jam" is
the protocol classifier. Derivational and voice suffixes are VC or
A formal description of the morphology appears at the end of
this message, after the examples.
The examples below contain all
example and drill sentences in Lessons 1-7:
Ladekwa: Buca pa. Latejami: Bucala
bapi. English: I worked.
Bweko dwise vapwe. Zoykopa joybegi
kwizovi. The doctor liked the
Te dwepa gozwase jako pa
dweti. Tega xepi kobaybegi zakopa bapi
xetimi. You told the teacher that I wanted the
Buca gogyose dweku.
Bucala kokwabegi xekumo. The two students
Jutay buca pa. Jutamu
bucala bapi. I didn't work.
gozwase jutay gogyoca pa. Kopa kobaybegi jutamu
kokwacala bapi. The teacher knew that I didn't
Tayne bweko dwepa fa?
Tamenu zoykopa xepi kigi? Did you like the
Tayne jako gogyose
dweti? Tamenu zakopa kokwabegi
xetimi? Did the student want the
Gogyoca gogyose.
Kokwacala kokwabegi. The student
Tayne bovuca ta?
Tamenu botucala dami? Did the pigeon
Jako pa dweti. Zakopa
bapi xetimi. I wanted the
Jutay daca byeta.
Jutamu dacala byedami. The bird didn't
Tayne bweko pwe fa?
Tamenu zoykopa zovi kigi? Did the dog like the
Jako dwise giku ti.
Zakopa joybegi dikumo timi. The three doctors wanted the
Tayne gogyoca dwepa?
Tamenu kokwacala xepi? Did you
Bweko pa gogyose deke.
Zoykopa bapi kokwabegi tekemo. I liked the talkative
Jako vapwe bocay.
Zakopa kwizovi bocivi. The cat wanted the
Tayne te dwepa ligogyose
Ladekwa? Tamenu tega xepi likokwabegi
Latejami? Did you tell the students about
Ko gogyose dekwa
giku. Kopa kokwabegi tejami
dikumo. The student knew about the three
Ko pa bweko dwepa
co. Kopa bapi zoykopa xepi depi. I
knew that you liked the room.
Tayne bweko se dweku
gofa? Tamenu zoykopa begi xekumo
kokigi? Did the two people like the
Jako gozwase daca
deta. Zakopa kobaybegi dacala
tedami. The teacher wanted the parrot to
Jutay bweko dwepa pwe bweke
giku. Jutamu zoykopa xepi zovi zoykemo
dikumo. You didn't like the three friendly
Tayne ko dwepa buca dwise
goke? Tamenu kopa xepi bucala joybegi
kokemo? Did you know that the wise doctor
Jutay bweko se giku
boco. Jutamu zoykopa begi dikumo
bodepi. The three people didn't like the
Jutay jako dwise gozwaca
pa. Jutamu zakopa joybegi kobaycala
bapi. The doctor didn't want me to
Tayne te gozwase deke dwepa bweko pa
byefa? Tamenu tega kobaybegi tekemo xepi zoykopa bapi
byekigi? Did the talkative teacher tell you that I liked
the building?
Gote se dweku pa jutay daca
byeti. Kotega begi xekumo bapi jutamu dacala
byetimi. The two people explained to me that the vehicle
didn't fly.
Tayne te pa dwepa bovuca gogyose bweke
dweku? Tamenu tega bapi xepi botucala kokwabegi zoykemo
xekumo? Did I tell you that the two friendly students
Sya gozwaca gozwase.
Dasu kobaycala kobaybegi. The teacher is
Sya jako pa bocay.
Dasu zakopa bapi bocivi. I want the
Zeko Lajonse lipwe.
Taykopa Lajonbegi lizovi. John thought about the
Sya buca lise. Dasu
bucala libegi. The people are
Sya bweko pa
libyekyu. Dasu zoykopa bapi
libyejisi. I like the
Sya vaca bose to zawtwa fa
jasi. Dasu kwicala bobegi tomo zizoge kigi
zaso. A plumber lives in that
Gyote ligogyose to pa bocay
to. Kwatega likokwabegi tomo bapi bocivi
tomo. Some students asked me for some
Jako pa pwe dweku to.
Zakopa bapi zovi xekumo tomo. I wanted two
Te sene dwepa sya buca
pa? Tega begeni xepi dasu bucala
bapi? Who told you that I'm
Gogyoca sene twa gokyu
jasi? Kokwacala begeni zoge kojisi
zaso? Who studied at that
Sya buca Lajonse twa
daco. Dasu bucala Lajonbegi zoge
dadepi. John is working in the
Sya bovuca gozwase twa
dati. Dasu botucala kobaybegi zoge
datimi. The teacher is drinking near the
Sya buca sene? Dasu
bucala begeni? Who is working?
Sya zeko Lajonse ligokyu. Dasu taykopa Lajonbegi
likojisi. John is thinking about the
Tayne sya bweko vapwe bweke daco
si? Tamenu dasu zoykopa kwizovi zoykemo dadepi
baso? Does the friendly cat like this
Tayne sya gozwaca gozwase twa
goco? Tamenu dasu kobaycala kobaybegi zoge
kodepi? Is the teacher teaching in the
Gyote dase pa dati dice
to. Kwatega dabegi bapi datimi ticulo
tomo. The pilot asked me for a fast
Jutay te pa Lajonse sya bweko dwepa kyu
jasi. Jutamu tega bapi Lajonbegi dasu zoykopa xepi jisi
zaso. I didn't tell John that you like that
Tayne sya vaca bose to zawtwa fa
jasi? Tamenu dasu kwicala bobegi tomo zizoge kigi
zaso? Does a plumber live in that
Jutay zeko lideta
Ladekwa. Jutamu taykopa litedami
Latejami. The parrots didn't think about
Te dwepa sene sya bovuca
pa? Tega xepi begeni dasu botucala
bapi? Who did you tell that I'm
Gyote dwise pa byekyu baku
to. Kwatega joybegi bapi byejisi bakumo
tomo. The doctor asked me for one piece of
Te Laryase pa jutay sya bweko dwepa
libyekyu. Tega Laryabegi bapi jutamu dasu zoykopa xepi
libyejisi. Mary told me that you don't like the
Sya ko pa sya daca lita dwace
jasi. Dasu kopa bapi dasu dacala lidami zonculo
zaso. I know that those old pigeons are
Sya zeko gozwase sene?
Dasu taykopa kobaybegi begeni? Who is the teacher
thinking about?
Jutay bweko Laryase deco
si. Jutamu zoykopa Laryabegi tedepi
baso. Mary didn't like this living
Tayne te dwepa pa jutay sya jako dwepa
buti? Tamenu tega xepi bapi jutamu dasu zakopa xepi
butimi? Did you tell me that you don't want the
Gyote bose pa bukyu geku
to. Kwatega bobegi bapi bujisi kekumo
tomo. The plumber asked me for a lot of
Zeko pa dati geku.
Taykopa bapi datimi kekumo. I thought about the many
Gote gogyose giku to pa zawtwa dico jutay
sya bweko dwepa pa. Kotega kokwabegi dikumo tomo bapi
zizoge tidepi jutamu dasu zoykopa xepi bapi. Three
students explained to me in the garage that you don't like
Tay sanzu Lajonse pwe.
Tamu ximunza Lajonbegi zovi. John may have had the
Tay sya gogyoca Laryase zawtwa
deco. Tamu dasu kokwacala Laryabegi zizoge
tedepi. Mary may be studying in the living
Tayne tay sya zeko dwepa
buti? Tamenu tamu dasu taykopa xepi
butimi? Is it possible that you're thinking about the
Fawma se giku to twa
co. Kava begi dikumo tomo zoge
depi. There were three people in the
Tayne sya fawma gokyu geku to twa
goco? Tamenu dasu kava kojisi kekumo tomo zoge
kodepi? Are there a lot of desks in the
Sya fawma gokyu twa co
jasi. Dasu kava kojisi zoge depi
zaso. The desk is in that
Sya fawma dati. Dasu
kava datimi. The airplane
Tay sya fawma bweko dase
dwepa. Tamu dasu kava zoykopa dabegi
xepi. It may be true that the pilot liked
Fawma sya jako dase gokyu
si. Kava dasu zakopa dabegi kojisi
baso. It was true that the pilot wants this
Jutay gokema gozwase.
Jutamu kokema kobaybegi. The teacher wasn't
Tayne sya dicema dweti
jasi? Tamenu dasu ticula xetimi
zaso? Is that bicycle fast?
Sya dwisema lise jasi. Dasu joybega libegi
zaso. Those people are
Jwako dase pa.
Bunkopa dabegi bapi. The pilot was afraid of
Sya buca dase jwakomo.
Dasu bucala dabegi bunkopo. The frightened pilot is
Sya sanzu pa deta sa
bose. Dasu ximunza bapi tedami ximyu
bobegi. I have the plumber's
Bweko pa lidati sa dase bweke bonku
jasi. Zoykopa bapi lidatimi ximyu dabegi zoykemo cokumo
zaso. I liked the airplanes of those four friendly
Jutay gokema dwepa.
Jutamu kokema xepi. You weren't
Tayne tay sanzu Lajonse ti
vyutoa? Tamenu tamu ximunza Lajonbegi timi
twizigo? Is it possible that John had the black
Fawma deta faw to twa
deco. Kava tedami kavo tomo zoge
tedepi. There was a real parrot in the living
Tayne sya jwako dwepa
doase? Tamenu dasu bunkopa xepi
zinbegi? Are you afraid of the
Sya sanzu goco gokyu
kune? Dasu ximunza kodepi kojisi
kumeno? How many desks does the classroom
Tay sya fawma dati bonku
jasi. Tamu dasu kava datimi cokumo
zaso. Those four airplanes may
Sya daca byeta vetoa to twa co sa
Laryase. Dasu dacala byedami fezigo tomo zoge depi ximyu
Laryabegi. A yellow bird is flying in Mary's
Tayne sanzu dwepa vapwe vyutoa giku
to? Tamenu ximunza xepi kwizovi twizigo dikumo
tomo? Did you have three black
Tayne sya fawma se jwakomo geku to zawtwa
byefa jasi? Tamenu dasu kava begi bunkopo kekumo tomo
zizoge byekigi zaso? Are there a lot of frightened
people in that building?
Sya jako pa dazawpu dwepa
kyu toa dweku jasi. Dasu zakopa bapi dazibusa xepi jisi
zigo xekumo zaso. I want you to lift those two colored
Tayne sya gyote dwepa pa libyekyu sa
dase? Tamenu dasu kwatega xepi bapi libyejisi ximyu
dabegi? Are you asking me for the pilot's
Sya ko pa sya vecema
fe. Dasu kopa bapi dasu fecula
fepi. I know that the fire is
Sya doaca se kune twa
veco? Dasu zincala begi kumeno zoge
fedepi? How many people are painting in the
Te pa ligozwase sya dica doase baku
to. Tega bapi likobaybegi dasu ticala zinbegi bakumo
tomo. I told the teachers that one painter is
Sya fawma byeti datoa bonku zawtwa
dico. Dasu kava byetimi dazigo cokumo zizoge
tidepi. The four blue vehicles are in the
Sya fawma jutay bweko Laryase
boco. Dasu kava jutamu zoykopa Laryabegi
bodepi. It's true that Mary didn't like the
Te sene dwepa jutay sya dwifawma
buti? Tega begeni xepi jutamu dasu joykava
butimi? Who told you that the truck doesn't
Sya bukyuma byekyu si.
Dasu bujisa byejisi baso. This piece of furniture is a
Fawma vezayse kune zawtwa
vezayti? Kava fefawbegi kumeno zizoge
fefawtimi? How many firemen were there in the
Pu sene bocay sa pwe sa
bose? Busa begeni bocivi ximyu zovi ximyu
bobegi? Who did something to the water of the plumber's
Sya fawma dekwa kune?
Dasu kava tejami kumeno? How many languages are
Te lise to pa sya veca dwise twa
dico. Tega libegi tomo bapi dasu fecala joybegi zoge
tidepi. Some people told me that the doctor is cooking
in the garage.
Tay jako vese deta deke
to. Tamu zakopa febegi tedami tekemo
tomo. The chef may have wanted a talkative
Jutay sya jiko pa fa vetoa dwace
to. Jutamu dasu cikopa bapi kigi fezigo zonculo
tomo. I don't remember an old yellow
Sya vecoma co datoa.
Dasu fedepa depi dazigo. The blue room is a
Sya vawpu ligogyose dati faw to twa
gofa. Dasu kabusa likokwabegi datimi kavo tomo zoge
kokigi. The students are building a real airplane at the
Tayne vawpu dase libyekyu twa
daco? Tamenu kabusa dabegi libyejisi zoge
dadepi? Did the pilot build the furniture in the
Fawma dweti dwifaw bonku to zawtwa
dico. Kava xetimi joykavo cokumo tomo zizoge
tidepi. There were four bicycles in working order in the
Te pa gozwase tay sya gogyoca ligogyose twa
gofa. Tega bapi kobaybegi tamu dasu kokwacala
likokwabegi zoge kokigi. I told the teacher that the
students may be studying at the school.
Sya bweko pa
pwe. Dasu zoykopa bapi zovi. I
like the dog.
Sya bweko pa
lipwe. Dasu zoykopa bapi lizovi. I
like the dogs.
Sya bweko pa pwe
to. Dasu zoykopa bapi zovi tomo. I
like a dog.
Sya bweko pa lipwe
to. Dasu zoykopa bapi lizovi tomo.
I like some dogs.
Sya bweko pa
lupwe. Dasu zoykopa bapi luzovi. I
like dogs.
Jako pa dicanya.
Zakopa bapi ticaliva. I wanted to
Jako pa bwekenya. Zakopa
bapi zoykemiva. I wanted to be
Jako pa dica dwepa.
Zakopa bapi ticala xepi. I wanted you to
Zawtwama dweti giku to fa.
Zizoga xetimi dikumo tomo kigi. Three bicycles were in
the house.
Fawma dweti giku to zawtwa
fa. Kava xetimi dikumo tomo zizoge
kigi. There were three bicycles in the
Vecempa sene co si?
Feculapa begeni depi baso? Who made this room
Datoampa pa kyu. Dazigapa
bapi jisi. I made the chair
Jwakompa gozwase pa.
Bunkopapa kobaybegi bapi. The teacher frightened
Jwakomba gozwase pa dwepa.
Bunkopamba kobaybegi bapi xepi. The teacher made me
afraid of you.
Pwempa se jasi
pa. Zovapa begi zaso bapi. That
person changed me into a dog.
Zawtwamba pa bukyu
veco. Zizogamba bapi bujisi
fedepi. I put the table in the
Fawmpa pa gokyu.
Kavapa bapi kojisi. I made the
Fawmpa pa gogyoca
Lajonse. Kavapa bapi kokwacala
Lajonbegi. I had John study.
Tayne sya twama dweti dwefoy fa foy? Tamenu dasu zoga
xetimi xemo kigi bamo? Is your bicycle at my
Bwiki pa byubwipya byotwa
byefa. Foykiva bapi fafoybisi jezoge
byekigi. I heard the radio in front of the
Fawmpa sene byekyu giku
si? Kavapa begeni byejisi dikumo
baso? Who made these three pieces of
Sya jako pa bovuca lipwe
foy. Dasu zakopa bapi botucala lizovi
bamo. I want my dogs to drink.
Jako dase dicempanya dati. Zakopa dabegi ticulapiva
datimi. The pilot wanted to make the airplane
Jutay sya ko luta
ludekwa. Jutamu dasu kopa ludami
lutejami. Pigeons don't know about
Sya vaca vapwe kune twa fa
dwefoy? Dasu kwicala kwizovi kumeno zoge kigi
xemo? How many cats live at your
Fawma gita ke to byotwa
dico. Kava didami kemo tomo jezoge
tidepi. There was a big owl in front of the
Twamba bose kyu boke
bekyu. Zogamba bobegi jisi bokemo
zejisi. The plumber put the wet chair near the
Sya fawma gizwapya dweku to datwa
pya. Dasu kava dibaybisi xekumo tomo dazoge
bisi. There are two lamps above the
Jutay joykema jwapwe
jwakomo. Jutamu xokema bunzovi
bunkopo. The frightened bear wasn't
Jwakompa deta dwefoy
lipwe. Bunkopapa tedami xemo
lizovi. Your parrot frightened the
Zeko pa luse bweke twe luti
dice. Taykopa bapi lubegi zoykemo tesye lutimi
ticulo. I thought about friendly people and fast
Sya guko byase byugipya vuku
jasi. Dasu kukopa binbegi fadibisi tukumo
zaso. The technician is undecided about those five
Jako pa jeako doase beti gutoa ke
to. Zakopa bapi junkopa zinbegi zetimi kuzigo kemo
tomo. I wanted the painter to imagine a big colorful
Tayne fawmpa dwepa buca bose twa
boco? Tamenu kavapa xepi bucala bobegi zoge
bodepi? Did you have the plumber work in the
Zawtwamba sene bopya
deco? Zizogamba begeni bobisi
tedepi? Who put the washing machine in the living
Jako pa jikombanya dwepa gozwaca pa twa
gofa. Zakopa bapi cikopambiva xepi kobaycala bapi zoge
kokigi. I wanted to remind you that I taught at the
Ki dwise vigica ligogyose twa
bico. Kiva joybegi fidicala likokwabegi zoge
bidepi. The doctor saw the students read in the
Tayne sya fawma datwama depya
vuvepya? Tamenu dasu kava dazoga tebisi
tufebisi? Is it true that the telephone was above the
Jikomba Lajonse pa veca pa tonu
ligogyose. Cikopamba Lajonbegi bapi fecala bapi tomume
likokwabegi. John reminded me that I cooked for the
Tayne te dwepa ligogyose to butimpa pa ti
foy? Tamenu tega xepi likokwabegi tomo butimapa bapi
timi bamo? Did you tell some students that I changed my
car into a truck?
Gote Laryase gozwase jutay
zawtwama ligokyu goco. Kotega Laryabegi kobaybegi jutamu
zizoga likojisi kodepi. Mary explained to the teacher
that the desks weren't in the classroom.
Jiko pa sya
geko vezayse lufe twe luvezayti. Cikopa bapi dasu kekopa
fefawbegi lufepi tesye lufefawtimi. I remembered that
the fireman understands fires and firetrucks.
jikomba vese dwepa zawtwambanya bukyu veco? Tamenu
cikopamba febegi xepi zizogambiva bujisi fedepi? Did the
chef remind you to put the table in the kitchen?
gozwaca dase. Jevu kobaycala
dabegi. The pilot will teach.
Pyo jako pa bocay. Jevu zakopa bapi
bocivi. I'll want the water.
Sya vigica pa twe gogyoca Lajonse. Dasu fidicala bapi
tesye kokwacala Lajonbegi. I'm reading and John is
Sya vigica pa twe pyo gogyoca
Lajonse. Dasu fidicala bapi tesye jevu kokwacala
Lajonbegi. I'm reading and John will
Sya buca pa twe zekonya
ti. Dasu bucala bapi tesye taykopiva
timi. I'm working and thinking about the
Sya bweko pa ti vyutoa.
Dasu zoykopa bapi timi twizigo. I like the black
Sya bweko pa vyutoami.
Dasu zoykopa bapi twizigi. I like the black
Sya jako pa gikumi to.
Dasu zakopa bapi dikumi tomo. I want
Tay dica dase twambume
bico. Tamu ticala dabegi zogumbe
bidepi. The pilot may have gone to the
Pyo gogyoca pa twe defoma
dwepa. Jevu kokwacala bapi tesye tefoma
xepi. I'll study and you'll be
Jutay te libyase dwatoy pa
tomi. Jutamu tega libinbegi zondelo bapi
tomi. The young technicians didn't tell me
Pu bose bwefo to libyeti
jasi. Busa bobegi zoyfomo tomo libyetimi
zaso. An unfriendly plumber did something to those
Jutay sya ko lideta faw
Ladekwa. Jutamu dasu kopa litedami kavo
Latejami. The real parrots don't know about
Jutay twama gokyu bekyu
tonane? Jutamu zoga kojisi zejisi
tomamene? Why wasn't the desk near the
Pyo fawma se goke geku to twa
gofa. Jevu kava begi kokemo kekumo tomo zoge
kokigi. There will be a lot of wise people at the
Sya bokema tonane jesye twe
lisye? Dasu bokema tomamene cufigi tesye
lifigi? Why are the floor and the walls
Ki pa livapwe cime ki pa
lipwe. Kiva bapi likwizovi cipe kiva bapi
lizovi. I saw the cats before I saw the
Sya jako Laryase dicanya twambume daco
vetoy. Dasu zakopa Laryabegi ticaliva zogumbe dadepi
fedelo. Mary wants to go to the cold
Sya te pa dwepa sya vetoyma kyu
jasi. Dasu tega bapi xepi dasu fedela jisi
zaso. I'm telling you that that chair is
Gepaw zawtwamba zepa lidweti zefoy
byobufa. Kedovu zizogamba taypi lixetimi taymo
jebukigi. We should have moved our bicycles into the
Tayne samba dwepa doase bocay
vece? Tamenu ximamba xepi zinbegi bocivi
feculo? Did you give the painter the hot
Ditoyma ti baku to twe dicema gikumi
to. Tidela timi bakumo tomo tesye ticula dikumi
tomo. One car was slow and three were
Sya doaca livezayse twa
goco. Dasu zincala lifefawbegi zoge
kodepi. The firemen are painting in the
Pyo zeko pa buti pyome veca
pa. Jevu taykopa bapi butimi jeve fecala
bapi. I'll think about the truck after I
Pyo gyote Laryase Lajonse kyu datoa
dweku. Jevu kwatega Laryabegi Lajonbegi jisi dazigo
xekumo. Mary will ask John for the two blue
Sya fawma byeta geku to datwa
bayfa. Dasu kava byedami kekumo tomo dazoge
jikigi. There are a lot of birds above the
Sya jako dwepa depya to tona sya dekema
dwepa. Dasu zakopa xepi tebisi tomo tomame dasu tekema
xepi. You want a telephone because you're
Sya toampa ligogyose jafo to libukyu sa
Laryase. Dasu zigapa likokwabegi zafomo tomo libujisi
ximyu Laryabegi. Some bad students are coloring Mary's
Sya fawma jutomi dwifaw zawtwa
dico. Dasu kava jutomi joykavo zizoge
tidepi. There's nothing in working order in the
Jutay sya bweko Lajonse veco tona dasye
datoy. Jutamu dasu zoykopa Lajonbegi fedepi tomame
dafigi dadelo. John doesn't like the kitchen because of
the low ceiling.
Gozwaca gozwase zawtwa beti
twambume gofa. Kobaycala kobaybegi zizoge zetimi zogumbe
kokigi. The teacher taught in the bus on the way to the
Pyo sanzu zepa co fo bonku to zawtwa fa tonu
lidevawse. Jevu ximunza taypi depi fomo cokumo tomo
zizoge kigi tomume litekabegi. We'll have four small
rooms in the house for the linguists.
Jutay fawmpa
pa dazawpu dwepa byugipya tona sya joyfoma dwepa. Jutamu
kavapa bapi dazibusa xepi fadibisi tomame dasu xofoma
xepi. I didn't have you lift the television because
you're weak.
Sya vawpu vese tomi zawtwa
boco. Dasu kabusa febegi tomi zizoge
bodepi. The chef is building something in the
Sya jako pa ti vyutoa tona jutay sya
dwifawma vetoami. Dasu zakopa bapi timi twizigo tomame
jutamu dasu joykava fezigi. I want the black car because
the yellow one doesn't work.
Sya daca libyeta gofo
datwa bibayfa dwace jasi. Dasu dacala libyedami kofomo
dazoge bijikigi zonculo zaso. The foolish birds are
flying above that old skyscraper.
Gepaw vawpu dwepa
besye jake to dutwa libyefa dweku jasi. Kedovu kabusa
xepi zefigi zakemo tomo xuzoge libyekigi xekumo zaso.
You should have built a good fence between those two
Sya sanzu beco gisye dace dweku to twe
disye ke vuku to. Dasu ximunza zedepi difigi daculo
xekumo tomo tesye tifigi kemo tukumo tomo. The hallway
has two high windows and five big doors.
Jutay sya
bofoma byefa zefoy twe jwako zepa bose. Jutamu dasu
bofoma byekigi taymo tesye bunkopa taypi bobegi. Our
building isn't dry and we're afraid of the plumber.
Sya gozwacampa devawse lise jasi. Dasu kobaycalapa
tekabegi libegi zaso. The linguist is teaching those
Sya gozwacamba devawse lise jasi
Ladekwa. Dasu kobaycalamba tekabegi libegi zaso
Latejami. The linguist is teaching those people
Dwicumpa pa gisye punke kyu
to. Joyjuvapa bapi difigi busege jisi
tomo. I broke the window with a
Dica zepa twambume gofa punke
beti. Ticala taypi zogumbe kokigi busege
zetimi. We went to the school on the
Dica zepa twambume gofa punke
lubeti. Ticala taypi zogumbe kokigi busege
luzetimi. We went to the school by
Jwakomba pa gozwase pa punke dwicumpanya
gisye. Bunkopamba bapi kobaybegi bapi busege joyjuvapiva
difigi. I made the teacher afraid of me by breaking the
Sya jako pa gokyu
dwebyeku. Dasu zakopa bapi kojisi
xebyekumo. I want the second
Ki pa vogase zawtwa
vwifa. Kiva bapi fojabegi zizoge
byukigi. I saw the merchant in the
Ki pa vogase zawtwamu
vwifa. Kiva bapi fojabegi zizogyu
byukigi. I saw the merchant in the
Sya ko pa sya joykema lujwapwe
biku. Dasu kopa bapi dasu xokema lubunzovi
bikumo. I know that all bears are
Pyo vigicampa sene ligogyose cime
pa? Jevu fidicalapa begeni likokwabegi cipe
bapi? Who will read to the students before
Dapyuma vapwe jabyeku
vezayti. Dafaga kwizovi zabyekumo
fefawtimi. The sixth cat was under the
Sya fawma vyocumpa Lajonse disye bijafaw
dweku. Dasu kava doyjuvapa Lajonbegi tifigi bizakavo
xekumo. It's true that John closed the two special
Sya fawma bocay voku to gipyu pya dwicu
jasi. Dasu kava bocivi fokumo tomo difage bisi joyjuvo
zaso. There's a little water behind that broken
Dwicumpa pa bopya punke kyu
to. Joyjuvapa bapi bobisi busege jisi
tomo. I broke the washing machine with a
Jutay sya bweko doase
libijacumi. Jutamu dasu zoykopa zinbegi
libizajuvi. The painter doesn't like the ordinary
Fawma gekumi to zawpyu
bico. Kava kekumi tomo zifage
bidepi. There was a lot outside the
Ki pa byeti zawpyu zwafa zupyumu
bidwifa. Kiva bapi byetimi zifage baykigi zufagyu
bijoykigi. I saw the vehicle outside the store next to
the hospital.
Sya jako dwise bikumi dwifaw
to. Dasu zakopa joybegi bikumi joykavo
tomo. The doctor wants everything in working
Gozwacamba dwepa se kune
dekwa? Kobaycalamba xepi begi kumeno
tejami? How many people did you teach the
Sya guko bose gacanya twa
gezwafa. Dasu kukopa bobegi jacaliva zoge
kebaykigi. The plumber is undecided about going shopping
at the shopping mall.
Bwiki pa dwepa punke
byubwipya. Foykiva bapi xepi busege
fafoybisi. I heard you on the
Jwako vapwe foy pwe tona pyuma pa
fa. Bunkopa kwizovi bamo zovi tomame faga bapi
kigi. My cat was afraid of the dog because I was away
from the house.
Fawma fe to zawtwa vwifa vopyumu
dafa. Kava fepi tomo zizoge byukigi fofagyu
dakigi. There was a fire in the hotel near the
Gepyuma dwepa difa
to. Kefaga xepi tikigi tomo. You
were far from a gas station.
Jeako pa jutay dwifawma
ti dwefoy. Junkopa bapi jutamu joykava timi
xemo. I imagined that your car didn't
Sya gate dase vogase bukyu twe
likyu. Dasu jatega dabegi fojabegi bujisi tesye
lijisi. The pilot is haggling with the merchant about
the table and the chairs.
Jutay geko pa se dwace
gipyumu gakyu twa vwifa. Jutamu kekopa bapi begi zonculo
difagyu jajisi zoge byukigi. I didn't understand the old
person behind the counter at the hotel.
Te vezayse
pa vyocuma dwifa foy tona fe. Tega fefawbegi bapi
doyjuva joykigi bamo tomame fepi. The fireman told me
that my doctor's office was closed because of the
Vyofawmpa dwepa disye tonane twe vyocumpanya
gisye? Doykavapa xepi tifigi tomamene tesye doyjuvapiva
difigi? Why did you open the door and close the
Ki zepa beti vyutoa ke vuku twa
bedifa. Kiva taypi zetimi twizigo kemo tukumo zoge
zetikigi. We saw the five big black buses at the bus
Sya jiko pa kinya vuvepya voku to byotwa
dico. Dasu cikopa bapi kiviva tufebisi fokumo tomo
jezoge tidepi. I remember seeing a few stoves in front
of the garage.
Tayne jikomba dwepa byase dicanya
twambume gedwifa? Tamenu cikopamba xepi binbegi ticaliva
zogumbe kejoykigi? Did you remind the technician to go
to the clinic?
Jutay sya cuma jwapwe twe jutay
vacanya gepyu fa zefoy. Jutamu dasu juva bunzovi tesye
jutamu kwicaliva kefage kigi taymo. The bear isn't
imaginary and doesn't live far from our house.
zupyumba dwepa lideta gutoa gisye vyofaw? Tamenu
zufagamba xepi litedami kuzigo difigi doykavo? Did you
put the colorful parrots next to the open window?
Sya fawma lugita zawtwa daco sa bidwifa. Dasu kava
ludidami zizoge dadepi ximyu bijoykigi. There are owls
in the hospital's attic.
Sya buca pa twe gogyoca
Laryase vopyu gizwapya. Dasu bucala bapi tesye kokwacala
Laryabegi fofage dibaybisi. I'm working and Mary is
studying near the lamp.
Sya dwacenzu pwe gesoa giku
to. Dasu zonculunza zovi ketovi dikumo
tomo. The dog is three months
Sya becenzu dati besoa vuku
to. Dasu zeculunza datimi zetovi tukumo
tomo. The airplane is five meters
Becemba pa bukyu besoa dweku
to. Zeculamba bapi bujisi zetovi xekumo
tomo. I made the table two meters
Sya twama Lajonse veco
vecame. Dasu zoga Lajonbegi fedepi
fecale. John is in the kitchen
Sya twama Lajonse veco vecampame deta
deke. Dasu zoga Lajonbegi fedepi fecalape tedami
tekemo. John is in the kitchen cooking the talkative
Vyofawmpa pa gisye
kyo. Doykavapa bapi difigi bave.
I'm opening the window now.
Zeko pa lidoafi
gikyo. Taykopa bapi lizinfisi
dive. I'll think about the paintings
Dica pa gikyo-soamay.
Ticala bapi dive-tovay. I'll go
Jutay pyo gokempa lifi si
dwepa. Jutamu jevu kokemapa lifisi baso
xepi. These books won't make you
Sanzu dwepa doafi jake kune kyo zawtwa
bayfa? Ximunza xepi zinfisi zakemo kumeno bave zizoge
jikigi? How many good paintings do you have now in the
Twama ligese deco
bovucame. Zoga likebegi tedepi
botucale. The adults were in the living room
Tayne sya becenzu sye toa si besoa giku
to? Tamenu dasu zeculunza figi zigo baso zetovi dikumo
tomo? Is this colored wall three meters
Tay pu dase dati
zebyeku. Tamu busa dabegi datimi
taybyekumo. The pilot may have done something to the
seventh airplane.
Jako pa becembanya co besoa jaku
to. Zakopa bapi zeculambiva depi zetovi zakumo
tomo. I wanted to make the room six meters
Sya fawma byefa voku bawto to betwa
bodipe. Dasu kava byekigi fokumo dotomay tomo zezoge
botizegi. There are only a few buildings along the
Dica zepa twambume vifa gikyo punke
lugubeti. Ticala taypi zogumbe fikigi dive busege
lukuzetimi. We'll go to the library later by
Ki pa lidifi sa ti dwefoy byotwa
byubwipya. Kiva bapi litifisi ximyu timi xemo jezoge
fafoybisi. I saw your car's license plates in front of
the radio.
Dazawpu byase gofo byugipya vece
geto. Dazibusa binbegi kofomo fadibisi feculo
ketomay. The foolish technician lifted the very hot
Gyote Lajonse gozwase gofi dwekyo twa
dipe. Kwatega Lajonbegi kobaybegi kofisi xeve zoge
tizegi. John asked the teacher for the textbook earlier
in the parking lot.
Gote pa vogase sya dwacenzu
vapwe gesoa baku bawto to. Kotega bapi fojabegi dasu
zonculunza kwizovi ketovi bakumo dotomay tomo. I
explained to the merchant that the cat is only one month
Tayne pyo fawmpa dwepa vawpu lise dwatoy
byobufa to gikyo-soamay? Tamenu jevu kavapa xepi kabusa
libegi zondelo jebukigi tomo dive-tovay? Will you have
the young people build a shed tomorrow?
Jako doase
sanzunya soa bofo vetoy to. Zakopa zinbegi ximunziva
tovi bofomo fedelo tomo. The painter wanted to have a
cold dry day.
Daca lita twe gita ditoy datoyme datwa
vyogafa. Dacala lidami tesye didami tidelo dadele dazoge
doyjakigi. The pigeons and the slow owl flew low above
the marketplace.
Ki pa jutomi vetoa twa dipe vopyumu
bibayfa. Kiva bapi jutomi fezigo zoge tizegi fofagyu
bijikigi. I saw nothing yellow in the parking lot near
the skyscraper.
Zawtwama livose defo dico fawmpame
gokyu to. Zizoga lifobegi tefomo tidepi kavape kojisi
tomo. The quiet children were in the garage making a
Pyo doacampa doase bwefo jesye swa twa
beco. Jevu zincalapa zinbegi zoyfomo cufigi bale zoge
zedepi. The unfriendly painter will paint the floor here
in the hallway.
Tayne jwakompa ligogyose devawse
punke doacampanya gudefi? Tamenu bunkopapa likokwabegi
tekabegi busege zincalapiva kutefisi? Did the students
frighten the linguist by painting the dictionary?
pa tomi boke dutwamu bekyu dweku dwekyo-soamay. Kiva
bapi tomi bokemo xuzogyu zejisi xekumo xeve-tovay. I saw
something wet between the two sofas yesterday.
Datwamba dwepa bigofi dwace bawtomo depya tonane?
Dazogamba xepi bikofisi zonculo dotomo tebisi tomamene?
Why did you put only the old encyclopedia above the
Gepaw betwamba dwepa byekyu fo bonku
besye datoa. Kedovu zezogamba xepi byejisi fomo cokumo
zefigi dazigo. You should have put the four small pieces
of furniture along the blue fence.
Bwiki Laryase
deta deke twa vyogafa pyome gaca dwepa. Foykiva
Laryabegi tedami tekemo zoge doyjakigi jeve jacala xepi.
Mary heard the talkative parrot at the marketplace after you went
Sya jaswama pe tona sya jako se geku to
dicanya twambume bodipe. Dasu zala zegi tomame dasu
zakopa begi kekumo tomo ticaliva zogumbe botizegi. The
road is there because a lot of people want to go to the
Tayne pyo samba vese bweke dwepa buti tonu
lidwafi jafo kyo-soamay? Tamenu jevu ximamba febegi
zoykemo xepi butimi tomume lizonfisi zafomo bave-tovay?
Will the friendly chef give you the truck for the bad antiques
Te bose pa sya joyfoma dasye dace zawtwamu
gubedifa. Tega bobegi bapi dasu xofoma dafigi daculo
zizogyu kuzetikigi. The plumber told me that the high
ceiling in the train station is weak.
Latejami bytes
= 10262, and English bytes = 10044
As you can see, Latejami sentences
are only slightly longer (2.2% on average) than the English
Here is the formal description of the
C ::= any consonant C1 ::= modifier
starter ::= b c d f j k q r t x z
[q and r not used in native
words] C2 ::= classifier terminator ::= g l m p s v C3 ::=
suffix terminator ::= g m n p s v
that C3 is any classifier terminator except l, which
is reserved for prefixes. It also
includes n, which can never start a modifier
(but can terminate one).]
V ::= vowel ::= a e i o
N ::= vocalic-nucleus ::=
[Not all combinations are
allowed. 'i' and 'u' are converted to
'y' and 'w' if adjacent to another vowel. Eg, "io" -> "yo",
"au" -> "aw", "iu" -> "yu", and "ui"
-> "wi".]
prefix ::= l N
(n) [Eg, la, loy, lawe, len,
modifier ::= C1 N (n)
[Eg, bu, co, day, kwi, zen, tayn]
classifier ::= C1 N
C2 [Eg, cop, del, tus, vam,
[Only CVC will be used for everyday
vocabulary. Other CNC, such as CSVC
and CVSC, can be used for scientific and
[Use the modifiers for
numbers 1-7 plus p for personal pronouns, m
for possessives, s for demonstratives, l for locative
deictics, and v for temporal deictics.
Ex: bapi = I/me, bamo = my, baso = this,
bale = here, bave = now, xeve = earlier, etc. In
effect, each deictic root has its own
root = {modifier} + classifier
::= N C3 | N m C | N n C
[Final C must
not be c or j, since POS marker can start with y.]
POS ::=
part-of-speech marker ::= a, e, aw, yu, etc
word = {prefix} +
root + {suffix} + POS | first-modifier + h +
A/P/F-s: -anz A/P/F-d:
-amb A/P-s:
-as A/P-d: -ap
AP/F-s: -inz AP/F-d:
-imb AP-s:
-is AP-d:
-ip P/F-s: -unz
P/F-d: -umb
P-s: -us
P-d: -up
Non-linking suffixes
(adverb/case tags by default):
0/A: -am 0/AP:
-im 0/P:
-um 0/F:
-eg 0:
Derivational suffixes:
-es mass noun
-os count noun
-TBD kind/type-of (TBD)
-TBD result/product-of (TBD) (translate -> translation,
mix ->
mixture, wreck -> wreckage, build ->
collect -> collection, spill -> spillage, damage
-> damage,
copy/ duplicate -> copy/reproduction,
-> handwriting) -ayg
get/determine/measure state (to weigh, to time, to
test (i.e. to
determine if something is in working order),
to compare, etc - result = AP/F-d
verb) -ig apply/use
noun to/on patient (to brush, to knife, to
pencil, inject, etc - result = A/P-d
verb) -ent add root to
patient (to water, to stamp, to salt,
to lengthen, to cover, to enlarge, etc - result
= A/P-d
verb) -unk remove root
from patient (to erase, to de-salt, to
shorten, undress, to strip paint from, to
shrink, etc -
result = A/P-d verb) -aym
associated position noun (result = P/F-s
noun) -on quality or
ability (result = noun, structure unchanged)
-ink process noun (result = noun, structure
unchanged) -env event noun
(result = noun, structure unchanged)
[Note: an earlier version of this
interlingua had voice morphemes for anti-anti-passive
and anti-anti-middle, which I have not implemented in
the current version. Instead, if it's necessary to
demote the focus of a ditransitive verb, one of the unfocused
A/P suffixes can be used to represent a combined
anti-anti-passive and anti-anti-middle operation.
Obviously, this implies that the focus of these verbs
can never be expressed obliquely and that we can no
longer make a semantic distinction between anti-anti-passive
and anti-anti-middle. However, I do not consider
this a disadvantage because I know of no natural
language that can do these things.]
-ang inverse (A/P/F-x ->
P/A/F-x) -av
reflexive (object is identical to subject, for
A/P/F becomes A=F/P, for actions A/P/F becomes
A=P/F) -awn reciprocal
(A/P/F -> A+P/F, P/F -> P+F)
-ind P+F reciprocal (A/P/F ->
A/P+F) -ep
passive -op
anti-passive -em
middle -om
anti-middle -ev
co-subject (comitative, demotes part of the subject
makes it obliquely expressable)
-ov non-subject (anti-comitative, an entity is
excluded from being subject)
Special voice
infinitive (always a verb) - nothing can follow
suffix! -oys same
arguments and part-of-speech as first conjunct
nothing can follow this suffix!
interrogative (does not change part-of-speech)
There are several
obvious advantages to the new system (easier pronunciation, more prefixes,
classifiers, and suffixes for future expansion, more distinctive morphemes,
and, in my opinion, the results are not nearly as ugly as Ladekwa), but
only two disadvantages: the slightly longer words and the extra work I'll
have to do to convert the software and the reference manual to the new
Let me know what you think.
By the way, note that I've
added a "result/product-of" suffix, which solves your "translate ->
translation" problem.
Rick Morneau http://www.eskimo.com/~ram