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Geoff Hacker <geoff.hacker@hidden.email> > > ... I think that the Ladekwa-English > translation software would be case insensitive. > I don't actually think that Rick's monograph includes a section on > capitalization--or at least, I don't recall one... > Before parsing begins, all upper case letters are converted to lower case, and all white space (spaces, tabs, newlines, etc) and punctuation are removed. For example: Daca lita twe gita ditoy datoyme datwa vyogafa. Ki pa jutomi vetoa twa dipe vopyumu bibayfa. Zawtwama livose defo dico fawmpame gokyu to. is converted to: dacalitatwegitaditoydatoymedatwavyogafakipajutomivetoatwadipevopyumubibayfazawtwamalivosedefodicofawmpamegokyuto before parsing begins. This works because Ladekwa is self-segregating. If I feed the scrunched line to the translator, here's what I get: echo dacalitatwegitaditoydatoymedatwavyogafakipajutomivetoatwadipevopyumubibayfazawtwamalivosedefodicofawmpamegokyuto | il2eng -d daca lita twe gita ditoy datoyme datwa vyogafa The pigeons and the slow owl flew low above the marketplace. ki pa jutomi vetoa twa dipe vopyumu bibayfa I saw nothing yellow in the parking lot near the skyscraper. zawtwama livose defo dico fawmpame gokyu to The quiet children were in the garage making a desk. Regards, Rick Morneau http://www.eskimo.com/~ram