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Re: [Ladekwa] jawjeacambembomi to sa bikwa to

That's actually why I use "jikoy" and "byokoy" twice within the sentence to ensure that the conjunctions do have the correct scope.
I do appreciate that the sentence is complex, but this is only because the source sentence was.

On 09/11/05, MorphemeAddict@hidden.email <MorphemeAddict@hidden.email > wrote:
Jikoy sya jutay sanzu Byefwa Vokamo to sa Voka Bijacu to jawtwe Voka Zwesemo Dwatoyme to Zapoyno Byefwambinomo Vokame to tu byefawmbino byeho sa jawhi jitwe jutay sambanse jawhi jikoy Lagwakay twamu bawtye Gwatyemo twangamu Vacamya Badaku byeho byokoy jawtwe Lagwakay twamu bawtye Gwatyemo zwatwanawmo to byokoy jujitwe ci twama Vahi jawhi twe sya jutay pyoma gesoa giku gekoy to ju twaha.

I've bolded the conjunctions.
I am not sure they all have the proper scope, joining the correct items.  Because the sentence is so complex, it's hard to tell.
