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"Stephan Schneider" <sts@hidden.email> wrote: > > In a dictionary, the information if something is a verb, a noun, a > prefix a= nd so on, is given. Anyway, I wouldn't need that kind of > information _now_,= as I have understood the difference between kyu > and gyu, for example. > The classifier or suffix always indicates the part-of-speech. There is no need to list it separately. This dictionary is intended for people who will be working closely with the language. It is not intended for casual browsers. Still, it wouldn't be too difficult to add it. Does anyone else have an opinion? Also, what abbreviations should I use for them? Ladekwa has parts-of-speech that natural languages do not have. > > Boyvica lujazopumbomi vyukoy jikay. > I think you mean "bovica" for the verb root. You also have to focus it, because activities are unfocused by default. Thus, you want to use "bovicanzi". Bovicanzi lujazopumbomi vyukoy jikay. = "WINNERS hand-write the history". However, I would prefer: Vicanzi lujazopumbomi vyukoy jikay. = "WINNERS write the history". Regards, Rick Morneau http://www.eskimo.com/~ram