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Re: [westasianconlangs] Re: Introduction to Hunanika

eamoniski skrev:
--- In westasianconlangs@yahoogroups.com, "Isaac Penzev" <isaacp@...>

Bad idea.
1) why to retain Greek ending -os?

2 reasons: the Central Cappadocian Greek does it (agglutinating the
case and plural markers directly to the -os ending; and Armenian does
it in words of Greek origin which have the -os ending [the genitive of
ovkianos "ocean" would be ovkianosi]).

Swedish does too, with both Greek and Latin words:
_gyros-ar-na-s_ (-PL-DEF-GEN), _cirkus-ar-na-s_,
and even _album-0-en-s_ (-PL-DEF-GEN)!
Not in all words though, but it tends to tick
me off.  Why retain the foreign NOM.SG ending at all?

It's even worse when they tack a genitive -s
at the end of the nominative of Icelandic and
Faroese names.  _**Sigmundurs_ makes no sense,
seing that the native genitive is _Sigmunds_,
coinciding with the genitive of Swedish _Sigmund_,
which historically was _Sighmundær_ in the
nominative...  Both of course from common
Scandinavian _Sigmundr_...

/BP 8^)>
Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se

   "Maybe" is a strange word.  When mum or dad says it
   it means "yes", but when my big brothers say it it
   means "no"!

                           (Philip Jonsson jr, age 7)