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Re: [westasianconlangs] Re: Introduction to Hunanika

<delurking and commenting>

Kataba eamoniski:

I'm tempted to follow this exact scheme for use in Hunanika, except
using the modern Armenian agglutinated plural rather than the Greek
neuter.  Thus, in Hunanika, the word anTropos might be declined thusly:

Direct      anTropos        anTropos-ner
Oblique     anTropos-ya     anTropos-ya-ner

Bad idea.
1) why to retain Greek ending -os?
2) in Armenian, case endings follow the plural suffix: banvor 'worker' -
banvori 'worker (G.)' - banvorner 'workers' - banvorneri 'workers (G.)'

-- Yitzik