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Re: Introduction to Hunanika

I caught a problem in my own post...

If you follow what I was saying earlier about Cappadocian Greek, the
correct declension for a Hunanika noun in the genitive is -yu, not -ya
[-ya being from the Greek neuter plural for nouns in -i].  Thus the
correct proposed noun declension for Hunanika, with the modern
Armenian plural in -(n)er and the Cappadocian Greek genitive marker in
-yu would be:

Direct      anTropos        anTropos-ner
Oblique     anTropos-yu     anTropos-yu-ner

This is probably what I'm going to go with, if no one else sees a
problem; I believe it's more realistic (being done in a real Greek
mixed language) than generalizing Armenian's most common Gen.-Dat.
ending -i to all nouns.
