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Re: [westasianconlangs] Any new ideas?

The only one i know other than the noun [ko'hen] is the verb _lekhahein_, which in Modern Hebrew means 'to serve as [a position]'.

-Stephen (Steg)

On Jan 16, 2006, at 9:04 PM, Adam Walker wrote:
Not really a new idea, but I was wondering what the
various possible vowel insertions for the Hebrew root
khn might be and the possible/actual meanings they
produce (other than kohen meaning priest) and how they
compare with the vowel insertions for this root in
other Semitic langs.


--- Isaac Penzev <isaacp@hidden.email> wrote:

Now people if you have any new ideas on the topic of
the list, please share.
It's been too silent here lately.

-- Yitzik

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Jin xividjilud djal suñu ed falud ul Jozevu pomu instanchid ul andjelu djul Dominu sivi, ed idavi achibid jun al su sposa. Ed nun aved cuñuxud ad sivi ancha nadud jan ad ul sua huiju primodjindu ed cuamad il su numi ul Jezu.

Machu 1:24-25

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