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Re: [westasianconlangs] A C-a grammar question

--- Henrik Theiling <theiling@hidden.email> wrote:

> Hi!
> Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> writes:
> >...
> > What I'm wondering is, do any of you find the
> original
> > difficult to parse?  ...
> No problems in parsing -- but my L1 is German and it
> has dative case,
> so I'm used to this, I suppose.  That's not the
> same, of course, but
> word order is often very different in German than in
> English and your
> example did not seem to be weird.
> However, why is it not '...pera junu cadoligu
> undrari ils...'?

Because the verb "undrari" must come before the noun
"cadoligu" or else that noun would belong to the
previous verb.  C-a is verb-initial.

> >..
> > Do you think the addition of "to" marking the
> clause
> > boundary makes thing clearer, more confused or
> just
> > silly?
> Hmm -- I'd not add it, I think.  


> *If* you want to add anything, my intuition suggests
> adding 'di'/'de'
> or the equivalent in Carrajena for addtion passive
> construction
> subjects:
> ...pera undrari di junu cadoligo ils...

Hmm. Mark the subject of the verb with "of"?  Feels
strange a heck to me, but . . . 

> Additional of 'ad' sounds strange to me, actually. 
> More strange than
> the unexpected word order in the first place.
> Is this what you wanted to know? :-)
> **Henrik

Very much so.  Thanks for the input.  Processing . . .


Jin nifalud fistus todus idavi eseud adimpuudu ul isu fi aved niminchunadu pera ul Dju peu'l medju djul provedu cumvi dichid: «Iñi! Cunchepijid ed nadajid il virdjini ad junu  huiju, ed cuamajuns ad si il Emanueli fi sñivigad ul Dju simu noviscu.»

Machu 1:22-23