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Donatist Easter -- day 7

Arpil 22nd is Juma djil Cruchi (Cross Friday).  On
this day the stations of the cross are reenacted
through the streets of the city.

This is a solemn, but intently observed day. 
Different cities have varrying traditions for
assigning roles in this Passion, but it is everywhere

Here are the Stations as practiced by the Confession
of the Faithful.

1. Jesus is arrested.
2. Peter denies Him for the first time.
3. He is tried by the Jews.
4. Peter's second and third denials.
5. He is questioned by Pilate.
6. He is tried by Herod.
7. He is returned to Pilate and the crowd chooses
8. He is scourged.
9. He is crowned with thornes.
10. Ecce homo -- Christ is condemned to death by Rome.

11. He takes up the cross. 
12. His first fall. 
13. He meets His Blessed Mother. 
14. Simon of Cyrene is made to bear the cross. 
15. His second fall. 
16. He meets the women of Jerusalem. 
17. His third fall. 
18. He is stripped of His garments. 
19. He is crucified. 
20. The Seven Sayings
     Father forgive them.
     This day in Paradise. 
     Woman, behold your son.
     Why have you forsaken me?
     I thirst.
     Into your hands.
     It is finished.
21. His body is taken down from the cross and 
laid in the tomb.

At Carthage it is tradition for the Donatist bishop,
the chief of the Donatist quarter and some other
highstanding member of the community to play the High
Priest, Herod and Pilate.  A simple parish priest is
chosen, by lot, to enact Jesus.  Simon of Cyrene
(Simunu djul Chrinaga) is chosen from the layity,
Peter from among the deacons, the Blessed Mother from
the deaconesses.  The soldiers are drawn from the
vidjilandis (the police force) so they may also serve
as crowd controll should anyone become overwrought.
After the conversion of the Autavija dynasty to the
Donatist faith, it became tradition for the king to
play Pilate at Carthage, and for king, bishop and
mayor of the quarter to lead a public pennance ending
with the words "Fistu veu pervia al pacadela nostru,
isu veu pervia als pedacelas nostrus," following the


Jin nifalud fistus todus idavi eseud adimpuudu ul isu fi aved niminchunadu pera ul Dju peu'l medju djul provedu cumvi dichid: «Iñi! Cunchepijid ed nadajid il virdjini ad junu  huiju, ed cuamajuns ad si il Emanueli fi sñivigad ul Dju simu noviscu.»

Machu 1:22-23