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April 21st is Meuguri djul Tradedu (Betrayal Thursday) also called Meuguri djul Judasu, Meuguri djal Satana or Meugri Obscuri. On this day confession is heard for the last time before Easter. After confession, which all Donatist believers are expected to attend on this day, the children hang "Judas" in effigy outside the churches and beat him until his "guts" (various candies and assorted goodies) spill out on the ground. This is concidered a very unlucky day to be born. And when children are born on this day a priest is usually called to bedside to bless the child and "pray God's grace that he not be like Judas who betrayed his Lord nor like the anti-Christ to come." Mother and father of the child will traditionally fast two days for this child and take no wine till the child's eighth day. They may also fast two days before the child's fist 7 birthdays. Adam Jin nifalud fistus todus idavi eseud adimpuudu ul isu fi aved niminchunadu pera ul Dju peu'l medju djul provedu cumvi dichid: «Iñi! Cunchepijid ed nadajid il virdjini ad junu huiju, ed cuamajuns ad si il Emanueli fi sñivigad ul Dju simu noviscu.» Machu 1:22-23