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Re: [westasianconlangs] Litnit and Haliffon (was Re: Fate of Latin Begad Kephath)

On Apr 1, 2005, at 7:31 AM, habarakhe4 wrote:
For my semi-Semiticized Romanceconlang, i had:
[t]~[s] (or maybe [T]?)
[d]~[z] (or maybe [D]?)

Distinct from the native Latin phonemes:
[v],[f] < /w/
[S] < /s/

Did this conlang recieve a name? FWIW, the name of mine for now is Litnit [liTni:T].
I greatly wish that Judajca were more flushed out.

This *is* Judajca :) .

-Stephen (Steg)
 "Dime ladino d'ande venes
  ke te kero konoser
  Dime si futuro tenes
  Yo te vo a defender."
     ~ de un artikolo en el listserv Ladinokomunita