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Re: [westasianconlangs] Uchunata Arabic Orthography

habarakhe4 wrote:

> Ut.unata Arabic Script
> /p/ pa' (ba' with three dots below)

Could you also mention Unicode codes (U+smth)? Is the character above

> /J/ nun + three dots above

U+06BD? A very confusing character...

> /t./ ta' + superposed t.a'
> /d./ da' + superposed t.a'
> /n./ nun + superposed t.a'
> /s./ sin + superposed t.a'

I uderstand your desire for uniformity, but aren't /s/, /d./ and /t./
denoted with standard characters U+0635, U+0636 and U+637?

> /di/ da' + ya'
> /di\/ da'
> /du/ da' + waw
> /de/ da' + kasra
> /d8/ da' + fath.a
> /do/ da' +d.amma
> /da/ da' + 'alif
> /d/ da' + sukun

I can't see the system... At least different combinations of vowels and
matres lectionis might be used. Esp. strange is opposition of a bare
letter and a maskuned one...

-- Yitzik