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Re: [westasianconlangs] FI: Muslim Place Names

Ádam Wóker (Adam Walker) eskriviw:

> Ya mi mohhtáramo rafiko, Izakko Penzevo karimo,

Wahh! Hhavla Ostad Adjamiyya? Isto mehhadze muyta làzzat!
(Oh dear! Do You speak Ajami? That makes me very happy!)
A really surrealistic impression you get while having received a
message in your own conlang.
1) _hh_ is the only way I find to represent [X\] in an
ascii-friendly character set. I'm not satisfied with it, since _hh_
is much more frequent in Ajami than _h_ [h], and I use _x_ for
rendering [S] à la Portuguese... Any suggestions?
2) As for names: I'm not sure if proper names would receive ending
_-o_ that is normally a reflection of "tanwiin d.amm". Anyway, even
if they do, Qur'anic names would be spelt as they are found in Q.
So, among Ajamis I would be known as Eshhák (or Eshhako, if you're
right). Maybe with a "nisba" like el-Yehudiyyo... Yep, that's a kind
of disclaimer: I'm not a Muslim. :))) I merely find an
Andalusian-like culture a fascinating conculturing alternative.

> I
> don't believe Iberia has ever been Shi`a. The
> Umayyads were staunchly Sunni, IIRC and . . .  well, I
> don't recall whether the Almohads/Almorvids et al.
> were Sunni or not.  I think they were sort of like the
> Wahabis at first and then drifted into decadance and
> then lost their Maghrebi territories to the Isdrids
> who were sort of Talibanish.  But I can't recall which
> form of Islam any of those three groups held to.

All right. I'll let them be Sunni. And surely, most of the civilized
world in AdjTL in the 15th c. AH (21st c. AD) is already
post-religious (whether it is post-Islamic South/West or
post-Christian North/East), just like today's Europe here, but
slightly milder...

-- Eshhak