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[westasianconlangs] Gemination in Ethiopic (was: Gedeh letters)

Steg Belsky wrote:

> On Monday, January 12, 2004, at 10:00  PM, Isaac Penzev wrote:
> > Does anybody know how gemination is marked in Ethiopic?
> If i remember correctly, i think my Comparative Semitic Languages
> professor said that Ethiopic (or at least Ge`ez) lost gemination at
> some point in history, so the script has no way to represent it.

I'm not sure it's true at the moment. From what I heard, both Ge`ez and Amaregna
has gemination, but it is not represented in script. When I come home, I'll give
a look into my Linguistic Dictionary for more accuracy.

> If
> you wanted to, you could just double the relevant syllable character -
> that would add a nice bit of ambiguity to the system!

Ambiguity is good.
Still I have another idea. I think I'll write it like _Ce+CV_. Unfortunately, I
can't give any examples right now, because I haven't yet decided, whether short
PS /a/ and /i/ will > Nw. /e/ everywhere, or only in open syllables. So it may
be either ጠልሎ _tha.le.lo_ /t_>ello/ or ጣልሎ _thaa.le.lo_ /t_>allo/ 'dew'.

I also want to use digraphs like Ca+we for representing /o:/ contrasted to /o/
_Co_, as in የውሞ _ya.we.mo_ /jo:mo/ 'day'. Or shall I use just Ca+ወ (wa) - it's

-- Yitzik