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Re: [westasianconlangs] USAGE: stress in Arabic feminine forms

On Friday, January 2, 2004, at 11:31  AM, Isaac Penzev wrote:
I've recently resumed work over my a posteriori Semitic project. I found my Arabic resources rather scarse in certain details. Who can help me? I want to know where we put stress in Arabic feminine forms ending in ta-marbuta, both in
high style (when pronounced as [-atun]) and standard colloquial ([-a]).
For example:
_wa:si3atun / wa:si3a_ 'wide (f.sn)'. Where shall I put stress?
-- Yitzik

I know /wa:si3a/ is accented on the first syllable. The rule goes something like "ultimate or penultimate vowel, if it's long; otherwise, antepenultimate, if i remember correctly. Unfortunately i never really learned how to use |tanwiin| properly, so i don't know how to accent /wa:si3atun/.

-Stephen (Steg)
 "Hubbaytak fii alSayf / Hubbaytak fii alSitii
  naTartak fii alSayf / naTartak fii alSitii..."
 (or something like that)
     ~ part of an egyptian song i don't remember from arabic101