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Re: [westasianconlangs] Re: New Semitic-based conlang

On Wednesday, November 26, 2003, at 08:18  AM, Isaac Penzev wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: etherman23 <etherman23@hidden.email>
To: <westasianconlangs@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 11:45 PM
Subject: [westasianconlangs] Re: New Semitic-based conlang
--- In westasianconlangs@yahoogroups.com, "nathanielamentstone"
<natcas@l...> wrote:

q is a uvualr stop, right. So prepare your mouth for a /k/ sound
move your tongue further back. Unfortunately when I do it I
get /q'/,
that is, an uvular ejective.

THANK YOU! I thought it was some sort of "gulping /g/"!

I think that would be more of an implosive sound (which is basically
the voiced counterpart to an ejective).

Anyway, in Modern Standard Arabic it is an uvular stop [q]. Yemenite and other
Eastern Jews pronounce the same in Modern Hebrew, though the standard
pronunciation is more European - just [k].
-- Yitzik

Actually, interestingly, the Yemenites i've heard pronounce /q/ as [g]! Probably to make up for the fact that they pronounce the two allophones of /g/ as [dZ] and [G]. But from what i remember of the "Pronunciations of Hebrew" article in the Encyclopedia Judaica, there are actually 5 different Yemenite accents.

-Stephen (Steg)
 "...in your house i long to be
  room by room patiently
  i'll wait for you there
  like a stone
  i'll wait for you there
     ~ 'like a stone' by audioslave