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Re: [westasianconlangs] Brief Intro and Arab Phonology Suggestion Request!

I realize this might be late, but I like the idea of the vowels changing with a [q] > [k/g] change.  What kind of vowels are you having in your language?  a e i o u?  If so, I'd suggest /i/ > [ai], /u/ > [au], /e/ > [ai], /o/ > no change, and /a/ > [A] (if it's normally front).

Oh, and I realize I haven't said anything here or anywhere for a long time.  I'm planning my triumphant return to the list soon with a new screenname that isn't being flooded by 100+ spams a day.


"imDeziZejDekp2wilDez ZejDekkinel..."
"You can celebrate anything you want..."
               -John Lennon