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Re: Emegali /y/ in the Verb Paradigm

--- In westasianconlangs@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4 
<theophilus88@h...>" <theophilus88@h...> wrote:
> Idgud Khabarakhe:
> Greetings! I thought that info on Emegali, since it has a Semitic 
> structure, could go here.

Salaam! Indeed you are in the right place!
Mákdamo be kheyro - Most heartly welcome!

> Emegali /y/ [j] causes some peculiarities in verb forms.
[skip the paradigms]

I hope I'll give more detailed analysis a bit later; Friday is a busy 
day: I'm still at work, and yet have to prepare for Sabbath...

But you're definitely right. In all natlangs of Semitic type I 
heard, /y/ in verb root makes quite many alterations to the paradigm. 
Especially l"y (Y-3 in your scheme).

Mokhtaramã (respectfully),