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Here's a thought. Change the -ar ending meaning group to something else. Then make the infinitive ending -aro, appropriate because it suggests romance infinitive endings, and because an infinitive does behave a lot like a noun. We can't make the infinitive ending a plain -o, because some verb forms can indeed become nouns with an -o ending. I'm thinking of stuff like the Eo martelo-marteli. And, given the stress rules we have at this point, vidaro (to see) could have the short form vidar, stressed on the -ar, thus making it even more like the romance ending. Caution: This would make the -aro the only two- syllable POS ending, and it, in theory, could be dropped entirely, leaving vid. As in "Me vol vid." Maybe, then, the infinitive ending should be just plain -ar. We'd lose the stress on it, but also keep a consistency in the POS endings we'd lose otherwise. Reactions? I DON'T want a special rule that the ar is stressed. That would be too much of an irregularity. I'm still wanting input on what the -aro meaning group ending ought to be.