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Re: [saweli] NSM and other questions

In a message dated 4/9/2009 20:55:01 Eastern Daylight Time, veoler@hidden.email writes:

> move = winzob, winzyob (tr.), xusep (intr.).

AIUI, "move" in NSM means "xusep". But that's mostly a guess.

I wasn't sure what the NSM term meant, so I included both the transitive and intransitive.
In _Semantics: Primes and Universals_, p. 83, Wierzbicka says:
"The prototypical examples of MOVE in the intended sense can be found in sentences such as the following ones:

      I see something is moving (in this place).
      I can't move.
      Something moved inside me."

These are all intransitive, so "xusep" would be the only equivalent, but I still have doubts whether it's the best (or only) word, since "xusep" is 'move, be in motion'.
(What's "AIUI"?)
