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N words
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 10:29:09 EDT
- Subject: N words
- To: saweli@yahoogroups.com
na{pizza}s pizza (pie).
na{sushi}s sushi.
na{taco}s taco.
nabas cake.
nabus cookie, biscuit.
nabyimos ham [a whole ham].
nades sandwich, grinder, hoagy.
nagya'akas egg roll.
najas (piece of) candy.
najasas lollipop, sucker.
najos bread (loaf), loaf (of bread).
najonbes bread (mass noun).
najoblos bun, roll.
nakis drink, beverage.
nakres TV dinner, frozen dinner.
nalyafyecukis pastry.
namomis pie.
naprus steak.
napus salad.
naxis cocktail.
nes gauge, calibrated measurement indicator.
necas scanner, device for collecting and displaying various kinds of data nonintrusively.
necanrop scan, use a scanner.
necabos tricorder, handheld scanner.
nejrus ruler, rule, straightedge.
nekes thermometer, temperature indicator.
nekros scale(s), balance, weight measuring device.
nemus calipers.
neplas compass [magnetic direction indicator].
nesas hourglass.
nexomos compass [drafting tool].
ne'agris mirror.
ne'ahas glasses, spectacles, eyeglasses.
ne'ahabos magnifier/magnifying glass, hand lens.
ne'ahabus microscope.
ne'ahatrus telescope, spy glass.
ne'ajis abacus.
ne'akosres parachute.
ne'amis level [the tool].
ne'aseglos ski.
ne'atrus sensor.
ne'axis megaphone, speaking horn or trumpet.
ne'es tool, instrument.
ne'efrus sponge.
ne'efrumos pulley.
ne'eges key, unlocking implement.
ne'egos broom.
ne'egonrop sweep, use a broom.
ne'egobos brush.
ne'egres lock.
ne'egrus paintbrush.
ne'ekis oar.
ne'ekinrop row, pull oars to move boat.
ne'ekibos paddle.
ne'ekos fan, air mover.
ne'ekris hammer, mallet.
ne'emacis pitchfork, trident.
ne'emes comb.
ne'emlakis strainer.
ne'emlakibes colander, large food strainer.
ne'emlis lever.
ne'emlokis syringe, needle.
ne'emlokinrop inject [using a syringe].
ne'emoses whisk [kitchen utensil].
ne'emras shovel, spade.
ne'emus needle.
ne'enos saw.
ne'eplas plow, tiller.
ne'eplanrop plow, till, work the soil.
ne'epus rake, grass and leaf gathering tool.
ne'esomas fork [food utensil].
ne'esomlos spoon.
ne'esomlobes ladle.
ne'etres chisel.
ne'evos knife.
ne'evodes scissors, shears.
ne'evomes razor.
ne'exas mold, shape-giving instrument or container.
ne'exles bat, club, racket.
ne'exos writing implement.
ne'exogrus crayon.
ne'exojros typewriter.
ne'exojronrop type, print using a typewriter.
ne'exokis pen [writing instrument].
ne'exosras pencil.
ne'exozus eraser.
ne'is weapon, arm.
ne'intep arm, supply with weapons.
ne'intop disarm.
ne'ifumes pike.
ne'ikos arrow, quarrel.
ne'ikofus bow [archery].
ne'imas spear, large javelin.
ne'imlemes quarterstaff.
ne'ipras dagger.
ne'itras shield.
ne'ivomes sword.
ne'ivomus ax, axe.
ne'ivotros battle-axe.
ne'ixles club, cudgel, bat.
ne'ixlemes whip.
ne'os musical instrument (non-electric).
ne'ocis piano.
ne'odis violin.
ne'okes guitar.
ne'okos flute.
ne'omis tambourine.
ne'oples bell.
ne'oprus horn, brass instrument.*
ne'opus horn, reed instrument.
ne'otros bugle.
ne'oxis horn, [musical instrument].
ne'oxles drum.
ne'us device, implement.
ne'usi equipment, gear.
ne'uzas cash register, till.
nis garment, item of clothing.
nisi clothes, clothing, raiment, garb.
ninrop clothe, dress (up), attire, garb, put clothes on patient.
ninropap clothe oneself.
nicis suit, outfit [clothing].
nifros rag, old frayed garment or remnant.
nifrufros diaper, nappy.
nigas cloak, cape.
nigus pajamas, nightgown, clothing for sleeping.
nihes earmuff.
nikas dress.
nikabos skirt.
nikahas gown.
niklas (pair) of underpants, panties, briefs
niklos hat, cap.
niklohas headdress.
niklotras helmet.
nikros sock, stocking.
nikrotras boot.
nimes shoe.
nimles pants, trousers.
nimlos glove, mitten.
nimos belt, strap.
nimus shirt, blouse, chemise.
nipas bra, brassiere, support and/or covering for breasts.
nipis robe.
nipros tunic.
nisus crown, royal headpiece.
nitis bandanna.
nitihas necklace.
nitimes tie, necktie, cravat.
nitras coat, heavy jacket.
nivis uniform.
nixas veil.
ni'amlis sleeve.
ni'amlos pocket.
ni'atis collar.
ni'atimas lapel, extension of collar.
ni'ugos washcloth/washrag, facecloth.
ni'ugus sleeping bag.
ni'uhis handkerchief.
ni'ukes blanket.
ni'umis towel.
ni'umimes ribbon.
ni'uvus tampon.
nos furniture (piece of).
nosi furniture.
nogus bed, bunk, berth, pallet.
nogunos cradle, oscillating or rocking bed for babies and small children.
nojus chair.
nojunos rocking chair.
nokos ladder, stepladder.
nomes sofa, couch, settee, lounge.
nopros bench. [table, bench, stand.]
no'udres tripod.
no'ukros shelf.
no'unyuxros bookcase.
no'upros table, stand. [table, bench, stand.]
no'uves desk, writing table.
no'uzas counter, checkout (counter), table or other flat surface over which business transactions and other work are conducted.
nucis list(ing), table/tabulation, itemization.
nucinzop list, tabulate, itemize.
nucihas catalog.
nucisos menu.
nucizas price list.
nucus trinket, bauble, gewgaw.
nufezas stock certificate.
nufris garbage, rubbish, waste.
nufus gift, present.
nufuzas ad/advertisement.
nuges ticket.
nugis copy, duplicate.
nuginzwolop copy, duplicate.
nugris model, figure, representation.
nugribes statue, bust, sculpture.
nugrigis recording.
nugriginzwolop record/make a recording of
nugrus painting, mural, canvas (that has been painted on).
nuhas picture, image, likeness, simulacrum, representation.
nuhacis graph, plot, chart.
nuhajros photo/photograph.
nuhamis screen, projection or movie screen.
nuhaves diagram, chart.
nuhes album, record, LP.
nuhebos CD, compact disc.
nuhehas DVD.
nujes ballot, slate, ticket.
nujros print/printing, words in printed form.
nujrontep print, set in print.
nukomos balloon.
nukyigrus jewelry, piece or item of jewelry.
nukyigrusi jewelry.
numis page, sheet of a document.
numipos card, playing card.
numlohas frame [for a picture or painting].
numos ring [jewelry], band.
numrexos chalkboard, blackboard.
nupis artwork, work of art.
nuplas map, chart.
nuplacis atlas, book of maps.
nuplamos globe, spherical map.
nupos toy, plaything.
nupovas doll.
nupras tombstone, gravestone.
nupros product, commodity, item of merchandise.
nuprosi merchandise, goods, wares.
nusas calendar.
nuses license plate.
nusetrus passport.
nuslos newspaper, gazette.
nuslobes magazine, journal.
nusres antique, something made a long time ago but still having social value.
nutras document, record.
nutranzop document, record.
nutrucus mail, mailed item.
nutruxos letter, missive.
nutruzas stamp, postage stamp.
nutye'emlos drawing, sketch.
nuvas badge, name plate.
nuves reference (book/work).
nuvebas encyclopedia.
nuvefus textbook, schoolbook.
nuveslus degree, diploma.
nuvis report, paper, treatise.
nuvibos article, piece, story.
nuxas cast(ing) [from a mold].
nuxes dictionary, wordbook, lexicon.
nuxis message, communique, dispatch.
nuxibes sign, poster, placard.
nuxibos card.
nuxibus note, comment, annotation.
nuxos notebook.
nuxopros log, journal, diary, record.
nuxozas publication.
nuxozanzop publish, release, promulgate, circulate, disseminate, propagate.
nuxros book, volume, tome.
nuzas cash, money.
nuzacis treasure.
nuzacinsas treasury, treasure house or location.
nuzages bill, written statement of amount payable.
nuzagres receipt, bill of sale.
nuzagris check, draft.
nuzakris coin, specie, unit of hard money.
nuzamles bill, banknote, greenback, note, unit of paper money.
nuzis flag, banner, pennant.
nuzikros flagpole.