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M words

mas room, chamber.
mables auditorium, hall, typically a large room used for public indoor events.
mabos closet.
macis apartment, flat, tenement, chambers[, suite].
mafas laboratory.
magras cell, prison or jail cell.
magus bedroom.
mahyekimlos hold, space below a ship's deck.
makes kitchen, room where food is cooked or prepared.
makebos pantry.
makis bathroom, wash room, water closet.
makos attic, garret, loft.
makros basement, cellar.
mapaslis nursery [for children].
mapos playroom.
mapros office, workplace.
maprobus station, workspot.
mases garage, carbarn, coach or carriage house or room.
masos dining room, lunchroom, mess, eating room.
mates family room.
matis hall/hallway, corridor, passageway.
maves classroom, schoolroom.
maxis living room, parlor, sitting room, drawing room.
ma'ubus cupboard.
ma'ucis floor (of a building), story, level.
ma'uges patio.
ma'ugris stage, platform.
ma'uhas porch.
ma'uhakos balcony.
ma'ukemles fireplace, hearth.
ma'umos arch.
ma'umonsas archway.
ma'uplakros foundation, base [of a building].
ma'upyitimres staircase, stairway, stairs, steps.
mes building, structure, edifice.
mebas palace.
mebes mansion, palatial residence.
mebis cottage, small simple house.
mebos cabin.
mebus hut, very small building or shelter.
mecis compound, isolated group of related buildings.
mefrikes firehouse, fire station.
mefuzas store, shop, mart.
mefuzacis shopping mall, mall, shopping center, large building or enclosure containing many individual retail businesses.
mefuzakos market(place), bazaar, open market, outdoor marketplace.
mefuzasos grocery (store), food store.
megos refinery.
megras prison, jail.
megris theater, playhouse, hall.
megus hotel, inn, hospice, roadhouse.
meguses motel, motor inn, motor court.
mehas museum.
mehajros movies/movie theater, cinema.
mehaprus zoo, menagerie, zoological garden.
mehyebes bus station/depot.
mehyemes railroad station/depot, train station/depot.
mekis port, harbor.
mekos airport, airfield, airdrome.
memlas mill, milling plant.
memlos warehouse, storehouse, depot, supply dump, storage building.
memlobos shed, shack, small utility or storage building.
memres tower, tall and narrow building.
memrebas skyscraper, a very tall building.
memus tent.
menyajos bakery.
mepis bar, pub, saloon, tavern, speakeasy.
meplas site, compound, base, station.
meplasras camp.
meplos stadium, bowl, arena, amphitheater, hippodrome, coliseum.
mepobes amusement park, fun-fair.
mepobis circus, the big top.
mepobos carnival, small traveling circus.
mepros plant, industrial plant.
meprocus factory, manufactory, plant, works.
meprus barn, stable.
mepus country house, lodge.
meryetras police station.
meses gas station, filling station, service station.
mesis doctor's office.
mesibas hospital.
mesibes clinic, small hospital.
mesos restaurant, eatery, eating house.
mesus headquarters, central office, base of operations.
metizis embassy.
metlocis apartment building, apartment complex.
metras shelter, cover.
metratros fortress, citadel, bastion, castle, stronghold.
metros base, military base.
metrus customs, customhouse.
metruves station, radio or TV or cable station.
metus house, building for residence of typically one family or household.
metusras dormitory.
metutros barrack, barracks.
metuzos monastery, convent, abbey.
mevafris asylum, mental health institution.
meves school, educational institution.
mevebas university.
mevebes college, a small university.
mevebis high school, secondary school.
mevebos middle school.
mevebus elementary school, grammar school, primary school, grade school.
meveslis kindergarten, preschool, nursery school.
mevomekras barber shop.
mewya'utizas agency, an agent's place of business.
mexlas power plant.
mexros library, a place, typically a single building, that has a large collection of books.
mezas bank [financial institution].
mezes court(house).
mezos church, mosque, temple, etc.
mezobos chapel.
mezobus shrine.
micus district, region, territory, quarter.
micubos enclave.
mijes precinct, ward.
misus capital, seat, head town or city.
mitos town.
mitobas metropolis, very large city.
mitobes city, metropolis, municipality.
mitobos village, small town.
mitobus hamlet.
mitozus countryside, the country.
mitrus suburb.
mitus neighborhood.
mitutrus colony, settlement.
mizis state (vs. government).
mizibas empire.
mizibes nation, country.
mizibendak national.
miziblos state, province, prefecture.
mizibos county.
mizibus township, division of a county.
mizofos heaven, paradise.
mizofros hell.
mo{French}sa France.
mo{French}ndaka French [attributive].
mo{French}ndasa French people or things.
mus site, setting, place, spot, location.
muflas lot, parcel, plot.
muges plaza, square.
mugras platform, loading/unloading area for passengers/cargo.
mugrakis wharf, pier, dock.
mugres dam.
mugrebos dike, levee.
muhyemes railroad.
mujes interchange [highway].
mujus bleacher.
mukis canal, waterway, watercourse.
mukimlos reservoir.
mukos runway, airstrip.
mukros tunnel.
mumes road(way), carriageway, thoroughfare.
mumebas freeway, expressway, superhighway, turnpike, thruway, parkway.
mumebes highway.
mumebis arterial, thoroughfare, main road.
mumebos street, avenue, boulevard.
mumebus lane, driveway, access road.
mumegras lane, marked division of a larger path, typically of a street or road.
mumehyemes track, railroad track.
mumemes path, trail.
mumles park, common(s).
mumras shaft.
mumrafus mine, underground mineral source.
mumrakis well, underground water or oil supply.
muplas nature preserve, reserve, reservation, park, sanctuary.
muplatus yard, land around a house.
mupras grave, burial plot.
mupracis cemetery, graveyard, burial ground/place.
mupros yard [outdoor workplace].
muprus ranch.
mupus garden.
muses track, course [for running or racing].
muslus ruin [remnant of historic construction].
musos farm/farmplace/farmstead, plantation, grange.
musres parking lot.
mutis bridge, viaduct, span.
mutras sanctuary, refuge, haven, asylum, shelter.
mutrus space station.
mutyekis swimming pool, pool.
mutyuprakos gallows, gibbet, scaffold.
muvos ditch.
muxis forum, a public meeting place for discussions.
muzis border, frontier.