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some suffix changes

I have rearranged three suffix elements, the "a", "e", and "u" that can occur after v/w/x/y/z.
I moved AP "e" to "i" (which was not used before), P "a" to "e", and 'no change' "u" to "a".  A/P "o" is unchanged.  "u" is no longer used.

a = no change
e = P
i = AP
o = A/P

I changed them so that the endings would reflect a progression in complexity compared to the base form.

cakis = duck.
cakip = be a duck.  It's P-s.
cakinzap = become a duck.  P-d.
cakinzip = make oneself into a duck.  AP-d.
cakinzop = make something/someone into a duck.  A/P-d.

The further down the list you go, the more you add to the meaning.
