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Re: [saweli] quote of the day

In a message dated 6/6/2007 7:42:46 AM Central Daylight Time, sts@hidden.email writes:

First, I cannot quite read Saweli without knowing where the prefixes and
suffixes begin and what they mean. For example, if you use a word like
"malsanulejo", I need to know

mal - opposite
san - health
ul - person
o - nominative noun singular

not just "hospital, noun".


Saweli has no prefixes.  All Latejami prefixes become secondary endings (after the primary part-of-speech (POS) endings) in Saweli.
Here's some more info:

Yen wufenkab qu'uslus resu zag yen vaxeb es suglandasu ye'ad yo'abanzumeb uglas.

yen - [present-imperfective]
      cl. "ye" [P/F-s] = present tense. POS "n" = disjunct

wufenkab - belong to
      cl. "wu" [P/F-s] = other binary relational state.  mod. "fe" = 'own/possess'.  POS "b" = verb, 2 args, static.
qu'uslus - the future
      cl. "qu'u" [P-s] = non-recurring period of time.  mod. "slu" = 'future/after/post/late/finish'.  POS "s" = closed noun.
resu - person [generic]
      cl. "re" [P-s] = group member'. POS "s" = closed noun.  sec. ending "u" = generic.
zag - [here] who
      cl. "za" [F/P-s] = 'genitive/relative clause linker'.  POS "g" = open adjective.
vaxeb - imagine, envision
      cl. "va" [P/F-s] = 'mental state [Scalar Relational]'.  mod. "xe" = 'meaning/symbol'.  POS "b" = verb, 2 args, static.
es - [anaphor of "resu"] they
      anaphoric cl. "e" derives from any cl. with first vowel "e", in this case "re" (in resu).  POS "s" = closed noun.
suglandasu - opportunity [generic]
      cl. "su" [P-s] = 'performance attribute'.  mod. "gla" = 'thankful/grateful/deserving'.  "n" separates root from suffixes.  suffix "da" = 'quality'.  POS "s" = closed noun.  sec. ending "u" = generic.
ye'ad - before
      cl. "ye'a" [P/F-s] = 'past tense'. POS "d" = adverb/case tag (here it marks a case tag).
yo'abanzumeb - become obvious
      cl. "yo'a" [AP/F-s] = 'epistemic evidentiality modality'.  mod. "ba" = 'maximal polarity'.  "n" is separator.  suffix "zu": "z" = 'change to dynamic'; "u" = 'no change to first arg. type'; (here it remains AP).  lack of "w" or "y" means focus is not changed; it's still +F.  suffix "me" = 'middle voice'.  POS "b" = verb, 2 args, static.
uglas - [anaphor of "suglandas"] they
      anaphoric cl. "u" derives from any cl. with first vowel "u", in this case "su" (in "suglandasu").  POS "s" = closed noun.

If the word contains no suffixes, then the separator "n" is not used.
