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Re: [saweli] quote of the day

cooool. :-)

don't know why, but i tried to prono it like klingon first. :-D

(becasue of "qu'uslus" - "qu'uSluS")

the stress is on the penultimate sillable, right?


MorphemeAddict@hidden.email schrieb:

*the future belongs to people who see possibilities before they become obvious - Ted Levitt <http://www.logoslibrary.eu/pls/wordtc/new_wordtheque.w6_home_author.home?code_author=18399&lang=EN>*

Yen wufenkab qu'uslus resu zag yen vaxeb es suglandasu ye'ad yo'abanzumeb uglas.

yen - [present-imperfective]
wufenkab - belong to
qu'uslus - the future
resu - person [generic]
zag - [here] who
vaxeb - imagine, envision
es - [anaphor of "resu"] they
suglandasu - opportunity [generic]
ye'ad - before
yo'abanzumeb - become obvious
uglas - [anaphor of "suglandas"] they
