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quote of the day
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 01:36:46 EDT
- Subject: quote of the day
- To: saweli@yahoogroups.com
the future belongs to people who see possibilities before they become obvious - Ted Levitt
Yen wufenkab qu'uslus resu zag yen vaxeb es suglandasu ye'ad yo'abanzumeb uglas.
yen - [present-imperfective]
wufenkab - belong to
qu'uslus - the future
resu - person [generic]
zag - [here] who
vaxeb - imagine, envision
es - [anaphor of "resu"] they
suglandasu - opportunity [generic]
ye'ad - before
yo'abanzumeb - become obvious
uglas - [anaphor of "suglandas"] they