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In http://www.eskimo.com/~ram/lexical_semantics.html#S15_5 Ram states thatAs we discussed earlier <http://www.eskimo.com/%7Eram/lexical_semantics.html#S2_7_5>, a verb which takes an embedded sentence as its only argument is called a /disjunct/. A disjunct is /deictic/ when the unspecified arguments are determined by the speech environment (*who* is speaking, *who* is listening, *where* the speech is taking place, *when* the speech is taking place, etc). When a disjunct is derived by using an unfocused verb or a middle derivation of a focused verb, it is not deictic because the unspecified arguments are obtained from context (i.e., obvious from what has already been said) or from general knowledge.
So it is the speaker in this case, which is the not-expressed subject of the sentence, of which the disjunct is the verb. In this case: subject = speaker. So I agree. Stefo MorphemeAddict@hidden.email schrieb:
In a message dated 5/17/2007 7:31:00 AM Central Daylight Time, sts@hidden.email writes:Deictic disjuncts could matter as well, and that's not such a surprise, since in fact they introduce the judgement/view/subjectivity of the speaker.It seems more like they introduce the judgement/view/subjectivity of the *subject*.stevo