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Re: [saweli] Re: ditransitive verbs: he called me a friend

In a message dated 5/15/2007 7:24:13 AM Central Daylight Time, sts@hidden.email writes:

Let's try in Esperanto:

"Li audis sin en la gardeno."
"Li audis sin engardene."

can mean both

"Li audis sin engardenan" - He heard her. She was in the garden.
"Li audis sin engardena" - He heard her. Therefore he thought she was in
the garden.

I don't think the second version means the same as the first three.  In fact, I don't think the verbs "to hear" or "auxdi" can be used in the same way as "find/trovi" or "consider", "think", et al., which, I find while writing this, are mental verbs, not sensory verbs.  

Other Esperanto sentences are

"Li trovis la filmon bonan." - He found the good film.
"Li trovis la filmon bona." - He found that the film was good.

So, another awkward writing of my interpretation of the English sentence is:

"He heard her, that she was in the garden."


Once again, I don't think the last sentence is a good interpretation of the original sentence.  Perhaps my Esperanto (maybe even my English) isn't sufficiently fine-tuned to these subtleties.
